Ribbed Baby Beanie and Booties



I couldn’t even find a picture of the baby booties I was looking for to match the easy hat I made let alone a free pattern of one, so of course I made my own pattern. You can experiment sizing easily with this pattern by switching hook sizes and adding or subtracting stitches if you are an intermediate crocheter. The rib is very very stretchy so I would make the fabric about 1.5 – 2″ shorter in width than the circumference of head. It will stretch even more than you can imagine so should last months after baby is born.

 Revised 8-8-16

Ribbed Baby Hat (0-6 mos.) 

yarn: dk or sport or baby yarn (#3 weight)

Foundation chain: Using a 5.5 mm hook, ch 26

Row 1: Switch to a 4.5 mm hook. Starting from 2nd chain from the hook. 1 sc in next 25 chs turn, ch 1

Row 2-40: *Starting in the 1st sc (its the one at the far right side next to the ch 1) 24 sc in back loops. On the last 25th chain, do a regular sc putting your hook under 2 strands. Ch 1, turn.* Repeat this 39 times. The width should be 11″ and the length should be 7″.

Finish by slip stitching both sides together to make a tube and leaving 12-14″ of yarn tail. Weave in and out along top edge and cinch in to close tube. With left over pulled yarn strand, use the tapestry needle to close the tube tightly and neatly. Make a knot and weave in remaining ends.


Ribbed Cuff Baby Booties (0-3 months) 3.5″ foot.

4 mm (G) hook

Booties (make 2 booties, 2 cuffs of course)

The booties without the cuffs are cute by themselves

Foundation: ch 10 with a 2″ tail

Round 1: 2 hdc in 3rd ch from the hook (counts as 3 hdc),  1 hdc in each of next 6 sts, 6 hdc in last chain. (This will automatically turn the work upside down.) Pull the tail tightly closed. Working in the end tail, 1 hdc in each of next 6 stitches, (here, clip the remaining end of the tail to keep your work tidy) 3 hdc in last chain. sl st to top of 1st hdc. (this is the 3rd ch from the start of the row) [total 24sts]

Round 2:  Ch 2, 1 hdc in same ch . (Counts as 2 hdc in the first space) 2 hdc in each of next  2 sts, 1 hdc in next 6 sts, 2 dc in each of next 6 sts, (at this point you will realize your work has turned and you are already on the opposite side) 1 hdc in each of next 6 sts , 2 hdc in each of last three stitches.  Sl st to top of 1st hdc. [Total: 36 sts]

Round 3: Ch 1,  1 sc  all around in back loops only. Sl st to 1st chain to close. [Total :36 sts]

Round 4:  Ch 1.  1 sc in the next 10 sts. 6 hdc2tog in next 12 sts, (each hdc2tog** takes 2 sts, see below**) 1 sc in next 13 sts and sl st to first ch to close. [29 sts]

Round 5:  Ch 2, 1 hdc in next 8 stitches, 1 hdc2tog **in next 2 sts, 3 dc2tog*** in next 6 sts, 1 hdc2tog in next 2 sts, 1 hdc in next 10 sts.  Sl st to 3rd ch to close. [24 sts]

Round 6:  Ch 1.  1 sc in next 6 stitches, 1 hdc2tog in next 2 sts, 2 dc2tog in next 4 sts, 1 hdc2tog in next 2 sts, 1 sc in next 8 sts.  Sl st close. [18sts]

Finish off and weave in ends

Round 7: (optional short bootie finish if you do not add the cuff.) Ch 1, 1 sc or sl st  all around including same ch as ch 1 space and last tiny space at the end. (19 sts) Finish off, and weave in ends.


** hdc2tog – wrap yarn around hook, put through stitch, wrap yarn around hook, pull up a stitch. You should have 4 loops on your hook, then stick hook in next stitch, yarn over and pull up so that you have 5 loops on hook, yarn over one more time and pull through all 5 loops. Now you have 2 half double crochets made into one stitch using 2 stitches of the previous round or row.

*** dc2tog – Wrap yarn around hook, put through stitch, wrap yarn around hook and pull up a stitch. wrap around hook (4 loops on hook), pull through 2 loops, (2 loops on hook) wrap yarn over hook, put through 2nd stitch, pull yarn through (4 loops on hook), wrap yarn over hook, pull through 2 loops (3 loops on hook), wrap yarn over hook, pull through all 3 loops. Now you have 2 double crochet stitches made into one stitch using 2 stitches of the previous round or row.

For cuff

Foundation: Using 5 mm hook, ch 13

Row 1: Switch to 4 mm hook. Starting from 2nd ch from the hook, 1 sc in next 10 spaces. Ch 1, turn.

Row 2-15:  *Starting in the 1st chain (its the one at the far right side next to the ch 1) 11 sc in back loops. On the last 12th chain, do a regular sc putting your hook under 2 strands. Ch 1, turn.* Repeat this 18 times.  Turn the bootie inside out and sl st cuff edge starting at center back  of the bootie edge to the cuff edge. Its a little difficult but try connect cuff to bootie to make even amount of stitches on both sides, sl st  back seam closed and weave in all the ends.




32 responses to “Ribbed Baby Beanie and Booties”

  1.  Avatar

    has the booty pattern been fixed? If not then I will try and find a new pattern

  2. JIT Avatar

    No, because usually infant sizes don’t have thumbs but maybe older infants like size 12-24 months. I have to figure that out if I do that size.

  3. Diane Avatar

    Do you happen to have a pattern for infant mittens with a thumb?

  4. JIT Avatar

    I still haven’t fixed row 5. I will but haven’t yet.

  5. Elizabeth Kosty Avatar
    Elizabeth Kosty

    I hope to be able to do this…
    Thanks for sharing this with us.

  6. JIT Avatar

    Row 5? Ok, I will look at it this week. I hope you find another pattern to help you right now. Sorry if there is a mistake. I have to look at it closely and try it again. Thank you for letting me know.

  7.  Avatar

    Okay, I’m no quitter, but you you lost Me at row 5, and by the comments I’ve read, I’m not alone. This pattern is NOT easy. I made the hat, I made the blanket, but I need to find a different bootie and cardigan pattern. At row six I said What the heck ??? Sorry, moving on.
    To your credit you explained hdc2tog and dc2together well. Thanks for that.

  8. JIT Avatar

    I don’t believe as everyone does concerning the masks but here in California we naturally social distance and I don’t see any problems in my neighborhood or town. The recovery rate is high and my family has been very healthy this whole time. As we learn more, the rates of recovery get even better and there are other therapeutics. It’s November and I think the USA is pretty much sick of this. I would rather get it, stay home, get over it and develop immunity at this point as we did with Chicken Pox and Measles. (herd immunity) It would be safer if people who are healthy get it and get over it and be safer around senior citizens who are at high risk. I’m not a doctor but that is my opinion. I still wear a mask or scarf when I have to for the sake of other people’s fears and concerns not mine. And like I said, it is normal and common for people to social distance here in California and I am not afraid.

  9. JIT Avatar

    sorry I am getting back to you so late. I don’t have a video camera and the camera that I do have is not that great. Are you still having trouble?

  10. Theresa suzko Avatar
    Theresa suzko

    On the booties I was wondering if you could do a video on how to do them ! I just can’t seem to get it! Sorry! Theresasuszko @ iCloud.com

  11.  Avatar

    Loved your pattern. Bet you don’t feel so smart wearing the masks you design now, living where you do. At least you acknowledge others safety.

  12. Ann B Avatar
    Ann B

    Thank you for the beanie pattern. We’re planning a car trip later this summer and my husband doesn’t like me knitting with double pointed needles in the car (makes him nervous) plus I don’t have to worry about dropping a needle under the seat. I already made one and started another for charity.

  13. JIT Avatar

    This pattern was from 2015 but I would be happy to look over it again and make corrections or explain anything sometime this week. Thanks for letting me know! 🙂

  14.  Avatar

    I’m having a couple of issues with this pattern. First, the opening on the bootie leaves 19 sts. and the cuff is (when finished) is 12 sts. How is that supposed to match up to be sl st on? Second, on row 1 of the cuff you have ch 13 for the foundation row and start at the second ch from hook and single crochet 10. That leaves extra stitche(s) on the end. Am I doing something wrong?

  15. Vinette Dephillipe Avatar
    Vinette Dephillipe

    Is the corrected pattern the one written here??

  16. Marlene A. Vayens Avatar
    Marlene A. Vayens

    It Was sweety for our babies.Thank You to
    Share with Us.

  17. Carolyn. Rogers Avatar
    Carolyn. Rogers

    Can’t wait to make them, seems like I was forever finding a simple pattern i could follow!!!
    Thank You!

  18. Barbara Corbin Avatar
    Barbara Corbin

    love your pattern

  19. Jo Avatar

    Would you have a diaper cover made in this stitch

  20. Lynn Avatar

    Hi. I accidently bought aran wool (think its worsted in American), how could i adapt the beanie hat pattern?

  21.  Avatar

    is this pattern in American stitches please

  22. kjfriend2 Avatar

    yes, it has been corrected. 🙂

  23. Gjo Avatar

    Was wondering if this pattern has the correction mentioned above? Thanks so much for making up so easy and beautiful patterns . Free to boot… no pun intended lolol

  24. marianne Avatar

    Thank you for getting back to me so quickly, and for sharing your gift!!

  25. kjfriend2 Avatar

    You are totally right and thank you for helping make this pattern better. Just corrected it.

  26. marianne Avatar

    I love this pattern!! I have one question , on the 2nd row of the hat when you state starting in the first chain do you mean first single crochet? Thank you so much !

  27. Jessica Wesoloski Avatar
    Jessica Wesoloski

    It looks great! Thanks so much!

  28. Jessica Wesoloski Avatar
    Jessica Wesoloski

    I’m sorry, I’m doing this on my phone, and I didn’t think the first comment showed.

  29. kjfriend2 Avatar

    I believe you and I am sorry I didnt get back to you sooner. I did test it but I guess I skipped over something. I will try again, thank you so much for looking into it. I will try and have corrections by tomorrow.

  30. Jessica Wesoloski Avatar
    Jessica Wesoloski

    I’m having trouble with row 2 of the booties; there seems to be ten stitches missing. Anyone else come across this?

  31. Jessica Wesoloski Avatar
    Jessica Wesoloski

    There seems to be ten stitches missing from row 2 of the booty. Anyone else have this problem? How did you overcome it?

  32. Linda Avatar

    Tried for a while to master this , but do it well with your pattern thank-you xxxx

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