Calorie Free Pumpkin Pie “Recipe”

It’s almost Thanksgiving, turkey, stuffing and gravy, mash potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pies!  This is the time of the year when we forget about our diets, and just enjoy food until new year commitments. Here is an alternative that will distract you from guilty cravings, a non-edible pumpkin pie! As usual, this pattern is easy to make, a cute decoration for Thanksgiving, and it will take you less time than to bake a real one.

Amigurumi Pumpkin Pie
Amigurumi Pumpkin Pie

You will need:
– light brown, orange, and white/off white yarn of your choice
– 4mm hook
– fiberfill stuffing
– cardboard
– stitch marker (like a safety pin, to mark the end of each row)
– glue gun

– rnd = rnd
– sc = single crochet
– dc = double crochet
– inc = increase
– dec = decrease
– st = stitch
– ch = chain

Note: the rounds are worked in spiral, do not join the rows (except for rnd 7 and 8 of crust)

With light brown yarn, make a magic ring
Rnd 1: 6 sc in center of the ring (6)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around (12)
Rnd 3: [1 sc, inc] 6 times (18)
Rnd 4: [2 sc, inc] 6 times (24)
Rnd 5: [3 sc, inc] 6 times (30)
Rnd 6: [4 sc, inc] 6 times (36)
Rnd 7: chain 2, dc in each st around, back st only, join to first st (36)
Rnd 8: chain 1, sc in each st around, front st only. (36)
Join to first st, fasten off, and weave the loose ends into the stitches

Bottom of the pie
Bottom of the pie
The side of the crust
The side of the crust
Last row of the crust
Last row of the crust

– Cut a piece of cardboard, or thick paper in the shape of a circle, and glue it at the bottom of the crust. This will keep it flat when you start stuffing.

Glue a piece of cardboard at bottom
Glue a piece of cardboard at bottom

Pumpkin filling:
With orange yarn, make a magic ring
Rnd 1: 6 sc in center of the ring (6)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around (12)
Rnd 3: [1 sc, inc] 6 times (18)
Rnd 4: [2 sc, inc] 6 times (24)
Rnd 5: [3 sc, inc] 6 times (30)
Rnd 6: [4 sc, inc] 6 times (36)
Fasten off, leave a long tail for sewing.

– Stuff the pie with fiberfill, then sew the top with the crust using the front stitches inside the crust to join the two parts together. You  can add some fiberfill along the way if you feel it needs more stuffing.

Sew the top and crust together
Sew the top and crust together

Whipped Cream:

With white yarn, ch 10
Rnd 1: 3 sc in each st on the chain
Fasten off, weave the loose ends into the stitches. The row should curl naturally, just use a bit of glue to keep it together, flatten it a bit with your fingers, and glue to the pie.

oh yum!
oh yum!

Voila! Your pumpkin pie is ready! You can apply the same pattern to make different kind of pies by changing the color of the top part, for instance make it cream color with red balls to simulate berries.

I hope you enjoy this pattern, and if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment.

Happy crocheting!

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