Old Fashion Shrug (English Version)

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Free Crochet Pattern
“The Old Fashion Shrug”

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1. 450 gr./ +/- 1000 m. of DK weight yarn/8Ply (11wpi)
(1,5 skeins Promo yarn from Zeeman)
200 gr./ +/- 500 m. of Worsted weight yarn/10Ply (9wpi)
(2 skeins of Royal Yarn from Zeeman)
2. USA Crochethook 7 & J/10
UK Crochethook 7 & 4.
3. Darning needle.
Abbreviations (US terms):
rep = Repeat
ch = Chainstitch
st= Stitch
slst = Slip Stitch
dc = Double Crochet(US)/ Treble Crochet(UK)
tyw = Turn Your Work
fpdc = Front Post Double Crochet (US)/Front Post Treble Crochet (UK)
bpdc = Back Post Double Crochet (US)/Front Post Treble Crochet (UK)
fptc = Front Post Treble Crochet(US)/Front Post Double Treble Crochet(UK)
Tch = Turning Chain (Chains that count as 1st Double Crochet)
Gauge Swatch Body:
9 stitches and 5.5 rows = 2 inches in Double Crochet
Gauge Swatch Cabled edge:
7 stitches and 3.75 rows = 2inches in Double Crochet
(The Gauge Swatch for your Cabled edge is entirely up to you. The only requirement is that it has to be bigger then the Body’s Gauge Swatch.)
Measurements (Size S, Size is adjustable in Pattern):
Length = 82 cm
Width = 115 cm

Free Crochet Pattern: The Old Fashion Shrug

Body (Multiples of 16)
I rewrote the Stitch Repeat Pattern, used for this Shrug, in US terms (instead of UK terms) & added some more details. The Original Pattern is the Diamond Flower Baby Blanket by Lucy Lyons
Start with the DK weight yarn & Crochethook 7 (US&UK) first for the Body
Row 1: Ch175 + 3 – Dc in the 3th ch from the hook – 1dc in each ch – Ch3 tyw.
Row 2: 1dc in the next 6st – *ch3, skip 1st, 1dc in the next 15dc*
Rep. * till the last 7st – 1dc in the remaining 7 st. – Ch3 tyw.
Row 3: 1dc in the next 4st – *Ch3, skip 2st, 1sc in the Ch3 Space, Ch3, Skip 2st, 1dc in the next 11st*
Rep. * till the last 5st – 1dc in the remaining 5 st – Ch3 tyw.
Row 4: 1dc in the next 2st – *Ch3, skip 2st, 1sc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch3, 1sc in the 2nd Ch3 space, Ch3, skip 2st, 1dc in the next 7 st*
Rep. * till the last 2 Ch3 spaces. – Ch3, skip 2dc, 1sc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch3, 1sc in the 2nd Ch3 space, Ch3, skip 2 st, 1dc in the remaining 3st – Ch3 tyw.
Row 5: 1dc in the next 2 st – *2dc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch3, 1sc in the 2nd Ch3 space, Ch3, 2dc in the 3th Ch3 space, 1dc in the next 7st*
Rep. * till the last 3 Ch3 spaces – 2dc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch3, 1sc in the 2nd Ch3 space, Ch3, 2dc in the 3th Ch3 space, 1dc in the remaining 3st – Ch3 tyw.
Row 6: 1dc in the next 4st – *2dc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch2, 2dc in the 2nd Ch3 space, 1dc in the next 11st*
Rep. * till the last 2 Ch3 spaces – 2dc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch2, 2dc in the 2nd Ch3 space, 1dc in the remaining 5st – Ch3 tyw
Row 7: 1dc in the next 6st – *1dc in the Ch2 space, 1dc in the next 7 dc, Ch3, skip 1 st, 1dc in the next 7st*
Rep. * till last Ch2 Space – 1dc in last Ch2 space, 1dc in remaining 7st – Ch3 tyw.
Row 8: 1dc in the next 12st – *Ch3, skip 2 st, 1sc in the Ch3 space, Ch3, skip 2st, 1dc in the next 11st*
Rep. * till last Ch3 space – Ch3, skip 2 st, 1sc in the Ch3 space, Ch3, skip 2st, 1dc in the remaining 13st – Ch3 tyw.
Row 9: 1dc in the next 10st – *Ch3, skip 2st, 1sc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch3, 1sc in the 2nd Ch3 space, Ch3, skip 2st, 1dc in the next 7st*
Rep. * till last 2 Ch3 spaces – Ch3, skip 2st, 1sc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch3, 1sc in the 2nd Ch3 space, Ch3, skip 2st, 1dc in the remaining 11st – Ch3 tyw
Row 10: 1dc in the next 10st – *2dc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch3, 1sc in the 2nd Ch3 space, Ch3, 2dc in the 3th Ch3 space, 1dc in the next 7st*
Rep. * till the last 3 Ch3 spaces – 2dc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch3, 1sc in the 2nd Ch3 space, Ch3, 2dc in the 3th Ch3 space, 1dc in the remaining 11st – Ch3 tyw.
Row 11: 1dc in the next 12st – *2dc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch2, 2dc in the 2nd Ch3 space, 1dc in the next 11st*
Rep. * till the last 2 Ch3 spaces – 2dc in the 1st Ch3 space, Ch2, 2dc in the 2nd Ch3 space, 1dc in the remaining 13st – Ch3 tyw
Row 12: 1dc in the next 6st – *Ch3, skip 1st, 1dc in the next 7st, 1dc in the Ch2 space, 1 dc in the next 7st*
Rep * till last Ch2 space – 1dc in last Ch2 space, 1dc in remaining 7st – Ch3 tyw.
Rep. *Row 3 to 12* 6 times – add another *Row 3 to 11* – finish your lap of with a straight Row of dc’s in each st and Ch2 space. Fasten of with a slst & sew in all ends.
You should have 7 lines with 10 Diamonds & 7 Lines with 11 Diamonds.
Total height of 14 Diamond Lines (70 diamond rows + 2 straight dc rows)
Lay your lap down (with row 1 towards you) & fold the lap in two. Sew both sides (seamside) together from inside towards outside, stop sewing till you’ve got a comftable armhole (My armhole is 16 cm). Do the same with the other side of your Shrug.


Cable Rope

Start with your Worsted weight yarn & Crochethook J/10(UK)-4(US)
Row 1: Ch20 – slst together – Ch3 – 1dc in each ch – end with slst
Row 2: Start immediatly with the cablecrossing (See Photo tutorial: “9 Stitch Cable Crochet“)
Step 1: Ch3 (Counts as first DC) – tyw;
Step 2: Skip 3 stitches & work 3 Front Post Treble Crochet (FPTC) in each following 3 stitches;
Step 3: Yarn over twice – go back to the 1st of the 3 skipped st (From the Front of your trebles) – and work 1 FPTC in the 1st skipped st – the 2nd FPTC in the 2nd skipped stitch – And the 3th FPTC in the 3th skipped stitch;
Step 4: 3 fpdc in the next 3 stitches;
Step 5: 1dc;
Step 6: Rep. Step 2 – 3 & 4;
Step 7: Finish with a slst in the 3th ch from your Ch3 (1st dc)
Row 3: Ch3 – tyw – 9bpdc – 1dc – 9bpdc – End with slst.
Row 4:
Step 1: Ch3 (Counts as first DC) – tyw;
Step 2: Work 1 fpdc in each following 3 stitches;
Step 3: Skip 3 stitches & work 3 fptc in each following three stitches;
Step 4: Yarn over twice – go back to the first of the three skipped stitches (From the back of your trebles) – insert your hook trough the “hole” – and work 1 FPTC in the 1st skipped st – the 2nd FPTC in the 2nd skipped st – And the 3th FPTC in the 3th skipped st; (For a more detailed explanation see the “Six Stitch Cable Crochet” Photo tutorial)
Step 5: 1dc
Step 6: Rep. Step 2 – 3 & 4;
Step 7: Finish with a slst in the 3th ch from your Ch3 (1st dc)
Row 5: Ch3 – tyw – 9bpdc – 1dc – 9bpdc – End with slst.
Rep row 2 to 5 till you’ve got the length that fits around the body, see the rotating arrows in picture below:


Sew the beginning & end together from the inside out. (Do not turn your work inside out)
Turn your work (The Body) to the wrong side & start sewing the Tch from the cable rope around the edge of the body (see circle arrows in picture above) at the BOTTOM of your shrug, as a border on the shrug.
Fasten of with a slst & sew in all ends.
Short Statement:
Everbody may use my Pattern, of course! Yet, I would enjoy it a lot if you mention my name and/or link to my Facebookpage “ByMomKim” or my Webblog “ByMomKim“. Like for example provided by…, made possible…, inspired by… and etc.
Of course it’s not obligated, but I would be so happy if you share some pictures of your creations with me. I love to see who and what I inspired.
If there are questions or remarks, don’t hesitate to contact me. I added a poll and a contactform, to make it easier for you & I’ll do my best to help you out!

I wish you a lot of CrochetFun! See ya soon!

With Love,

©2015 ByMomKim