May blog/vlog wrap-up


Hello lovely people!

I have somehow developed this way of greeting my vlog viewers every time now. Not sure how it started. But my readers and viewers ARE all lovely people and I’m grateful for you. (My YouTube channel is Stitches and Slapdashery.)

So what’s been happening in May? Good grief, when you get to the end of a month how are you supposed to remember what happened at the beginning?

One of my non-making projects for this month has been to start looking for a new part-time job. So far, it hasn’t been fruitful. However I have started doing the markets, selling my bags locally in a nearby town. The first market was a one-off indoor market, where I did manage to make more than I paid for the table space. It was a good “trial run” for the outdoor markets, as for that first one I didn’t have to lug my tent, weights and chair along.

The first outdoor farmers and crafters market was a learning curve, and it was a bit cool and a bit damp. I was well wrapped up the whole time, even down to the fingerless mitts. I sold a few things but didn’t cover the cost of being there. I know things will ramp up as summer hits and the tourists start to outnumber the locals!

Obviously I have continued to sew stuff for my table. After that first market, I felt like I wanted to wait and see what was popular, so activity dropped off somewhat. Rather than batch sew things I have been making single bags out of denim. The inspiration can come from a YouTube tutorial or just from the fabric itself.

Knitting and crochet is ongoing too. I have been affected by startitis, which basically means that my WIPs can be a little neglected while I cast on/hook on something new. I have five WIPs – Ravelry link here though the latest one just needs the ends woven in. And I haven’t yet created a project page for the beanie that I started while at the market and continued while walking yesterday.

My experiments with sourdough bread were initially promising but the last two attempts have been inedible. They didn’t puff up at all during baking and I think I’ve figured out that I haven’t let my starter get bubbly enough before making dough. I’ll keep trying.

It’s been a rainy May, what I’m calling a REAL spring! Most years, we are wilting from the heat halfway through May and it only gets worse from there. But we’ve been getting much cooler temperatures than usual which has allowed the garden to green up and stay green much longer. We can still see that some of the trees are in distress. The leaves have been slower to appear and are still patchy in places. The apricot tree may be done for good.

I’ll add my photos for the month below, and sign off for now. Thanks for reading.

April wrap up

April wrap up

Hi all

I’m overdue for my April roundup, aren’t I! It was a making, vlogging, walking sort of month. Mr Stitches and I have been getting between 5000 and 10000 steps in every day, and I have also been supplementing with a few home workouts. Trying to get fitter again. 

Ali of Little Drops of Wonderful has had her Dodgy Bag Makealong in progress, and there’s an active thread in her Ravelry group. I’ve posted quite a few photos in there of bags I’ve made, including the one for my swap partner in Alberta. 

She sent me a lovely package of goodies in return. A bag that she made, some ceramic buttons, stickers and a cute toadstool charm. 

I’ll pop a few photos of the things I’ve sewn below.

Caroline bags (photo tutorial on this blog) including some smaller ones just for fun

Bum Bag – this was a pain as there was binding on the inside and I do not like binding!

Laptop bag – my own invention

Tote from upcycled denim

Forage bag – a Noodlehead pattern

Scrappy continuous zipper bags

Arm band for phone – another invention of mine so I can log steps when  working out at home

Scissor keepers – a SewingTimes tutorial

Tiny zip pouches – I made a YouTube tutorial for these

Turtle mop – an idea I saw on Facebook

Coral denim bag – another YT tutorial,  this time from Mama Project. Struggled with this one. Not good enough to sell but I used it today and I love it so I’m keeping it. I dyed the jeans with Rit.

There’s been quite a lot of crochet too. 


Crochet pussy hats – I’m on the third one so far this week. Yarn is Ice Yarns Picasso.

I had another fun outing with friends one weekend. We drove a little way south and had a lovely time in a small town with a yarn store (that was really busy as they were having a special event with wine and cupcakes and everything) and a quilt store. So we spent lots of time browsing and inhaling yarn and fabric fumes and then went and had a coffee and a snack. 

I’m writing this on May 5th, and today was my first market, selling my bags. I did sell a few, and made a reasonable amount of money, but a lot of that was thanks to my friends who came to say Hi. I certainly didn’t expect them to spend any money but they did and I’m grateful for that. 

It was a tiring day of getting up at 6am (because I woke up before my alarm and thought I may as well get up) and driving to the venue and spending 5 hours “peopling” (I’m out of practice at that). Packing up didn’t take long, but I got home desperate for food and tea! And then Mr Stitches and I went out for a 7pm show of Taiko drumming which was absolutely awesome and made me forget my tiredness. 

Mr Stitches’ recovery from cancer is going quite well, though the after-effects of the radiation come and go. He will be going back to work next week, but only 4 hours, 3 days the first week. And then gradually working his way back to full time. I have also started looking around to see what part-time jobs there are in the vicinity but I haven’t gone as far as updating my resumé.

If you haven’t yet gone and checked out my YouTube channel, Stitches and Slapdashery, please do go and visit.

Thanks for reading.

March blog/vlog wrap-up

My favourite corner!

Hi everyone

Spring has sprung! We just went for a walk around our neighbourhood, it’s 21 Celsius out there (although it will be cooling again after tomorrow) and the local deer are enjoying the delicacies provided by our backyard flowers, such as they are.

Mr Stitches, aka my husband, is recovering well from his cancer treatment. After the anticipated dip when treatment ended, he’s been getting better and better. He’s eating well though has to take care with his throat still. Nothing too scratchy or spicy or dry. He’s started to wean himself off the painkillers.

We’ve been taking daily walks and his energy is returning.

I’ve been vlogging frequently all month at Stitches and Slapdashery on YouTube and also published a few tutorials. I have one for drawstring project bags for knitters/crocheters, zippered project bags, a denim cup/water bottle carrier, and a couple of crochet ones too.

The granny square pants were finished and have been worn (INSIDE the house)!

I am in the process of knitting a baby blanket with Ice Yarns Sweet Baby – the pattern is Ten Stitch Twist by Frankie Brown (free on Ravelry).

I made quite a few upcycled denim bags. The one I was most proud of was the backpack which I designed myself.

And I also made an Amplector by Spencer Ogg, and a simplified version of the Linds Handmade H2O2go, which turned out awesome.

My crochet WIP is probably going to be a cardigan or sweater, for which I’ve started making daisy squares like this one.

They’re all going to look different as I’m using stash and the background yarn has long colour changes.

I’ve been recording over the Easter weekend so there’ll be another vlog uploaded tonight. If you haven’t checked out the channel yet, I’d love for you to visit! Leave me a comment 😀

Hope you’re enjoying the seasonal changes wherever you are. Have a wonderful April. 😊

February blog/vlog wrap-up

February blog/vlog wrap-up

Hi all. I’m back for a roundup of what happened in February. 

The main thing we’ve been dealing with in our household is my husband’s cancer journey. We are SO close to being at the end of the 7 weeks of treatment. He only has two more radiation zaps to go. He had weekly chemo, which was relatively easy compared to the radiation. He’s feeling pretty low now, and struggling to even drink the meal replacement liquid. The main cause of the pain in his mouth is actually the oral surgery he was told he had to have before his treatment started (to remove a wisdom tooth), so I’m assuming that the hole in his mouth is there because it didn’t get to heal properly before the stitches dissolved. 

Happier news now! My YouTube channel reached 500 subscribers and I had a giveaway to win a small zippered bag. The winner has received her prize. And my little vlog benefited from a few more subscribers! 

I have continued to make many more vlog episodes and tutorials for Stitches and Slapdashery. I even have business cards now, because I’ve been sewing up a storm for the farmers and crafters market in the summer (which I have applied for and it starts in May). 

I’ll add a gallery of some photos of what I’ve been making below. I have also been enjoying my yarn crafts. Current Works in Progress are a pair of granny square pants (trousers) for which I am crocheting 56 squares (excited to see how those turn out) and a scarf which represents my husband’s cancer treatments, with different colours representing different things. 

I’ve made a few amigurumi – an octopus for my great-nephew, a puppy for a friend whose dog was put to sleep 😦 and a molar…yes, a tooth…which was a gift for my orthodontist. I FINALLY got my braces off after 20 months. So happy, and I love my “new” teeth, though I’m still getting used to the fact they aren’t covered in metal. 

I’ve knitted three of the Nottawasaga Buffs now. Such a quick and simple pattern, and so useful. 

I hope February treated you well. We had a couple of cold snaps and a little snow, but really it’s been a very easy winter overall. My March will entail adding to the pile of marketable product for the summer market, seeing my husband through what’s probably going to be the worst of it (apparently things can get more painful in the two weeks post-treatment) and trying to motivate myself to actually do something other than sit on the couch! How about you?

January 2024 wrap-up


Hello friends

It’s time for our January wrap-up and the sewing machine has been earning its keep!

My Stitches and Slapdashery YouTube channel is an absolute joy, and since the high activity levels of Vlogtober and Vlogmas I have been keen to keep talking to the camera! My sewing output has been pretty high, as I decided to start building an  inventory for farmers and crafters market season. I haven’t yet applied for any but I’m hoping to get a table at a desirable location. 

The things I’ve been making so far include zippered pouches, little snap pouches, book sleeves, phone cases, and soon drawstring bags and whatever else takes my fancy. I’m doing my best to use mostly stash fabric and accessories, and it does feel good to be using what I have and hoping that people will enjoy the products. 

I added a Ko-fi link to my vlog, where people can “buy  me a coffee” with a click through to my Ko-fi page. That felt kind of weird at first! If I decide to do online sales, I have the opportunity to add a shop aspect to Ko-fi, but I haven’t yet taken that plunge. The thought of overcoming hurdles like shipping has prevented me from starting so far. The cost of mailing things in Canada can make it twice as expensive to buy something online! 

Other projects I’ve been working on this month have included:

fabric baskets for displaying my wares at the market

book sleeves using old jeans

blankets for the cats at the SPCA (the granny squares were going to be for some wacky pants [trousers] for me, but they just weren’t working out)

amigurumi from scraps of stash yarn (I need something to do with my hands when I’m waiting for my husband at the cancer centre)

a positive potato (yes, a crocheted potato with an encouraging message in its little hands for my husband)

a bandana style cowl (or buff) which knitted up in a couple of days (Nottawasaga Buff)

I’ll add a link to my Ravelry project page here to make it easy for you to take a look at the photos and notes, as it would take up too much space here.

And works in progress are:

the scarf for my husband which is a log of the progress of his cancer treatment – 6 colours, knitting a tube so the ends are hidden inside – green for radiation days, rust for chemo days, blue for rest days, etc. If you’d like to follow the progress of that, you can check out the Ravelry project page. 

the Festoon shawl, which is a crocheted shawl in sock yarn, with a small hook, and I have been letting it languish for far too long!

I’ve published seven vlog episodes in January, and two tutorial videos. The link to my channel is here.

Yup, I really do love to talk! The tutorials are for fun zipper pouches out of chenille or fleece, and little denim baskets or yarn bowls that used upcycled denim and grommets, and are really simple. Be aware that these are not short pithy videos! I talk, I explain, I show as much of the process as possible, because sometimes people need to know WHY they are doing something a certain way, and what needle/interfacing/fabric is recommended for the project.

As for my husband’s health, well, he’s going through cancer treatment which is always horrible! There’s no way to sugar coat it, it really is a brutal way to try to get someone back to health. He’s having weekly chemo to zap any wandering cancer cells, but the main treatment is the radiation five times a week. His medical team consider his cancer to have been caught early, and don’t think it has had the chance to spread, so that’s good. But both chemo and radiation affect your entire body negatively, not just the cancer cells, and the list of all the things he may suffer from over the course of the treatment seems to get longer every week. We are two weeks in, out of seven. As time goes by, he is having more trouble swallowing. Eating a meal takes longer. He has been told to snack often to keep his digestive system busy and also to maintain his weight. He is using a mouthwash to try and keep sores at bay. He has Lidocaine to spritz in his throat when it gets too painful to eat (we’re not there yet). He has sennosides and Imodium, for the times when the drugs plug him up or give him diarrhea (hasn’t needed those yet either). Silver lining – he’s bald already! And shouldn’t lose his eyebrows!! Oh yeah, I forgot about the long term effects of head and neck radiation, which include loss of function in some salivary glands and tastebuds. Dry mouth is a thing. 

I am past the shock and disbelief and have  made it as far as acceptance. I also have faith that he will survive this. He has been told he is one of the healthiest cancer patients they have seen – no co-morbidities, healthy weight, non-smoker, non-drinker, healthy diet. He has barely ever needed to go to a doctor since I’ve known him. He is now on medical leave and can focus entirely on himself, without work stress, and I am doing what I can to support him. 

Well, that’s enough of that. Thanks for reading, if you made it this far! Please do go and check out my videos on YouTube. I do my best to make them fun and interesting. You might want to have some knitting or crochet on hand when you switch on, though, I do tend to ramble! 

I wish you all a peaceful and healthy February. 

PS: I think my two links above have been duplicated. When I pasted this into my post, I got a warning that it wouldn’t embed so I manually added the links. I’ll leave them as is. If one doesn’t work, the other should!

2023 in review


And here we are at the end of 2023. It’s been quite an eventful year, mostly in a good way. I just recorded my end of year vlog which is uploading to my YouTube channel, Stitches and Slapdashery, as we speak!

I took the time to look back at the blog posts I’ve written this year, the project pages I’ve set up in Ravelry, and the content I’ve uploaded to YouTube. The events that stand out most for me this year are

March trip to Jersey to see the family – My mum turned 90 and I flew over for a week for the birthday party.

Launching my YouTube channel in June – Stitches and Slapdashery has been a lot of fun, with a total of 16 vlogs, 31 Vlogtobers and 25 Vlogmasses, plus a couple of extra bonus videos.

Quitting my job of 9 years in August and commemorating it with a serious buzzcut – it was time for a change.

November saw my niece having her first child – always a good reason to make stuff and I sent her a box of handmade things.

Our annual anniversary retreat in December – this time we went to Victoria on Vancouver Island for a week, stayed in an Airbnb condo on Fisgard Street, close to vegan restaurants and lots of other interesting places. And then shortly afterwards, my husband’s throat cancer diagnosis, for which he is scheduled to start treatment in January.

According to WordPress, this is my 2081st blog post. Wow!! Activity here has declined a little, as my focus has moved more to YouTube, but I have at least been aiming to do a roundup post once a month.

I think 2023 has been the year of the garment. I realised that I had made so many accessories (instant gratification) and blankets (stashbusters) over the years that, rather than make more of the same, I could divert that energy into clothing.


Sewing has definitely taken up more of my crafting time this year, which is evident from my reduced project count on Ravelry! I’ve made baby clothes, fleece hoodies and sweaters, a coat, project bags, quilts, backpacks, zipper pouches, tank tops, T shirts, harem pants and overalls. About 100 items all told.


Not as prolific with the needles, I finished a sweater, a machine-knitted cardigan, fingerless mitts and a beanie/cowl set.


Some amigurumi (including an Edna Mode doll I was particularly proud of), dishcloths, baby items, accessories, and two cardigans and a sweater.

A total of about 27 yarny items for the year.

Works in Progress

What am I taking into 2024? The Festoon Shawl by DoraDoes is an ongoing crochet project made with sock yarn and a 4.5mm hook, so it’s slow going and not my favourite thing to work on.

I have a cross stitch project, where I traced a seahorse out of a colouring book and I’m making up the colour scheme as I go. Another thing that may take a while.

And I am in the middle of a stashbusting granny square….thing….which was going to be pants (trousers) but really really doesn’t look good or wearable, so there will probably be some unpicking involved so that I can rethink the final product.


The main focus for the first few months of 2024 will be my husband’s health as he goes through cancer treatment. His diagnosis has meant I’ve rethought my plan to look for a new job in January. Instead I am going to take the time to plan and sew for a summer craft market. This will involve coming up with a better logo and business card design for Stitches and Slapdashery to tie everything together, and sew-in labels for the products I make.

I want to decide on a project that I can work on every day of R’s treatment, a bit like a temperature blanket idea, as it’ll be 7 weeks of almost daily appointments and then another couple of months until we know the outcome.

And I also want to make myself a Serene sling bag from Yoan Sewing Studio’s YouTube channel, so that’s probably going to be my first project of 2024.

Thank you for being here and reading my blog. I’d love to hear from you, so feel free to leave a comment. Do let me know if you’re watching the vlog too. Have a very happy, healthy New Year.

November wrap-up


We’re nearly at the end of November. I’ll be doing Vlogmas on my YouTube channel, Stitches and Slapdashery, so I hope you’ll be able to visit me every day in December over there.

It’s been a quiet month. I was feeling under the weather for a large chunk of it, culminating in a few days of heavy cold, but I’m better now.

I’ve been gradually adding to the pile of small Christmas gifts, including coasters, earrings, upcycled denim bags and pen pouches.

House coasters

The above were made using a YT tutorial called Chicken Love by Minki Kim.

Ugly Christmas sweaters

Crocheted ornaments from a pattern by Fay Lyth on Ravelry.

Handmade journal

Random paper and printed card made for a pretty journal for my December plans.

Lots of grannies

I crocheted 36 fugly granny squares with two strands of DK and a 6.5mm hook, which I’m currently sewing together to make pants!!

Folded square coasters

More coasters from a simple tutorial by SewCanShe.

Three upcycled jeans projects
Some earrings
Pen pouches

These are from Christine’s Home Affairs on YouTube.

I am still between jobs but feeling the urge to get a resumé together so that I can line something up for January. To that end, I’m studying for Food Safe Level 1 so that I can add that qualification to my resumé.

I’d love to see you over on YouTube during December. Happy crafting!

October roundup


October is behind us. I loved documenting the fall changes in the trees  in my backyard.  Vlogtober on my Stitches and Slapdashery channel made me notice more sunrises, sunsets and autumn colours, and appreciate the simple pleasures of everyday life.

A big part of my creative time went into this puffy flower bag.

When I started making the flowers, I didn’t know how I was going to use them. I just wanted to make one out of every colour of the Scheepjes Softfun that I had. Then I decided that they needed to go on a bag so I made that. And then made a quilted lining. And then figured out the handles.

I’m really pleased with it. It took 25 days in all though I wasn’t project-exclusive!!

I also sewed a bunch of cute Halloween pouches which I seem to have forgotten to photograph. I made enough little snap pouches for all the staff at the fabric store where I worked, and each one had a couple of mini granola bars and a teabag inside.

One of the ideas I had was to film a crochet beanie tutorial and I finally got it done. It’s a tutorial on how to make a beanie with any yarn and any hook, any size.

I’m hoping to do more in future.

I have a crochet FO too.

This is the Leaping Crochet Baby Hoodie by Tamara Kelly of Moogly. My Ravelry project page is here

I used Järbo Cookie yarn from Hobbii. Such pretty yarn.

Once I was up to date on all my projects, I cast on two more.

I am half done with the Atlantic Wristers.

I’m using Scheepjes Truly Scrumptious Aran in Honeycomb Crunch.

And the other new project is the Festoon Shawl by DoraDoes.

The yarn is Berrocco Comfort Sock and I’ve only done 5 rows so far! This is going to be a longer term project with skinny yarn!

So that’s it for now. Today I’m having a PJ day as I’ve had a painful neck and head for three days and last night I had a sore throat. This morning I woke up congested. I tested negative for covid. I’m taking a “personal day ” with lots of extra vitamins and tea!

Thanks for reading. 😀



I’ve been enjoying October. I decided to dive into Vlogtober and record and publish a short video every day on my YouTube channel, Stitches and Slapdashery.

I learned the most important thing is to keep it manageable, both in recording footage (because you have to edit it at the end of the day when you may be tired) and in the final length, because many people are following multiple channels who are also doing Vlogtober.

Some days I have more to talk about than other days, but I’ve managed to be consistent with my publishing so far.

My phone became so clogged up with large files that I had to be brutal and put a lot of larger files in the Trash. Once they are up on YouTube it’s unlikely I’ll want to edit them again. But I kept the photos so I would remember to add them to the blog.

On of my WIPs is this bag, which I am crocheting with Scheepjes Softfun, a DK weight cotton/acrylic. I made the puffy flowers first from a tutorial by Hooked by Robin and then started on the bag.

The tutorial is here.

The size of the bag will be dictated by the yarn I have and how it looks on the hook. I have made quite a bit of progress up the sides since taking the above photo.

I went a little nuts with this cellphone zipper pouch. It’s a tutorial from My Passion Crafts.

The first two are for gifts. It’s a good design, really useful for a phone in the front pocket and room for some money, cards, keys or whatever in the zippered compartment.

This project bag was made following a tutorial from Little Drops of Wonderful.

I made it blingy because I’m going to send it to her for a Strictly Sockalong prize.

New additions to the stash were acquired at Thread and Paper in Salmon Arm, BC. If I owned a store, I’d want it to look just like that one. It’s gorgeous! Packed with quilts, fabric, yarn, samples, thread, embroidery floss, patterns, you name it. I went around the store at least twice as I had lots of time to browse while my husband did the job he was in town for (I accompanied him on his work trip for the day).

Yesterday I had lunch with friends and spent the rest of the day reading. I really must get out into the beautiful fall day today and get some fresh air and exercise! The weather has been so mild. We haven’t turned the heating on yet.

I hope your October is going well and that you are enjoying some quality time with yarn or fabric. I’ll come back at the end of the month with another roundup of what I’ve been doing. See you then.

September roundup

September roundup

Hello! September was a pretty good month, if you ignore the fact that there was another major fire south of us. Thankfully, with the cooler weather, it was far less devastating and didn’t burn down any homes.

It’s hard to capture the deep orange-ness of the sun when viewed through smoke.

I did get to enjoy a few more beach days before the chill set in.

The water was…..refreshing?!

Last time I showed you a pile of quilt squares. These were assembled and backed and quilted and the result is…

…a 6 ft square bed-sized quilt with a scrappy binding and machine quilting radiating out from two points on the quilt. It was quite the challenge to get all that bulk under the arm of my machine.

I have already given this to the intended recipient, a lady I’ve known for 25 years and who lost her home in the wildfire in August.

A super fun project I sewed this month was this sweater.

The fleece is printed to look like crocheted granny squares and I knew I had to have some as soon as I saw it.

I made sure to buy enough to make a matching beanie.

My friends and I had a sewing day, which was a belated birthday celebration for my 61st, and we made Japanese knot bags.

These were mine. As usual, the sewing wasn’t perfect but the cute fabric makes up for it!!

Earlier this year, I made a batch of drawstring bags as a commission. This month I made another batch of 25, lined this time, as a donation to Vegfest. Of course I decided that the fabric had to have a fruit or vegetable theme.

These went into the goody bags on the day. My friend said that next year we should jointly make 100 so that every bag gets one! We’ll see!

Vegfest was fun. It’s so nice to be surrounded by so many vendors selling stuff that I can eat or use without worrying that it has animal products inside. I had helped to round up donations ahead of the big day, and the day before we were filling gift baskets. On the day we had more donations to add, and I was busy with that in the morning, on the door in the afternoon, and helping to clean up at the end.

A finished project that I’m really excited about, that’s hot off the needles today, is my second Sporto sweater. It’s a free pattern on and last year I made a grey version. Last February I cast on this green one.

I didn’t plan it ahead of time, which meant that while I was knitting it I was trying to decide how to incorporate the contrast colours. The yarn is Scheepjes Truly Scrumptious Aran, and the main colour is Spirulina Bites. The pink which I finally used on the sleeves is Acai Bowl. I also have some Honeycomb (a mustard yellow) but it didn’t end up in the sweater.

The reason it took eight months? It sat in its project bag for months while I figured out what to do. I started to add a pocket then ripped it out. I finished the body but it was too short so I ripped back, added more length, and did a split hem. And then someone in the Vegan Ravelry group suggested a Finish Your WIPs-along and that was the impetus I needed.

So happy it’s done!

So the vlogging is ongoing over at Stitches and Slapdashery.

This is the latest episode. I’m still learning. I had to get an SD card for my phone because videos take up a lot of memory. I want to record a crochet tutorial but I’ve been having the darndest time setting up the camera in such a way that you can’t see the tripod legs! And I’ve had my new mic run out of juice and had to re-record footage, and the beanie tutorial will be redone because of camera shake! I’ll get there!

I’m looking forward to an October full of creating, and enjoying wearing the warm layers which I have spent so much time making! Happy times.