Free Pattern: Crochet Hoop Earrings

I love free crochet patterns, as my Pinterest boards, Evernote files and Ravelry account can attest.  Some of the free patterns work up to make beautiful items, while others leave me with a lukewarm Oye.  It is my hope that my first pattern is easy to follow and allows you to make a pair of lightweight, crocheted earrings that look great.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Crochet Hoop Earrings (Pin It Here)

You will need:



20mm hoop
1.30mm hook
1.10mm hook
Organic cotton thread
#24 Cross stitch needle
Not pictured
  • 2 Sterling Silver Jump ring
  • 2 Surgical Steel Earhook/wire
  • Needle nose pliers
Tension should be taunt, not loose
Round 1: (with 1.30mm hook) Beginning with a sl knot and leaving a long tail, SC 42 sts around hoop, working the first 20 sc over the long tail. Turn stitches to the inside of hoop (working thread should be on the inside of hoop – not the outside/close to you). Chain three, join with sl st in first sc. You will be working in the round. (45 sts = 42sc and 3ch)
42sc around hoop.

42sc around hoop.

Working thread should be on the inside of hoop - not the outside/close to you.

Working thread should be on the inside of hoop – not the outside/close to you.

Round 2: (switch to 1.10mm hook) ch 3 (counts as dc), *skip next 2 sts, dc in next* repeat around, Sc 3 times around the chain three space from Round 1. (14dc, 3sc)

Sc 3 times around the chain three space from Round 1

Sc 3 times around the chain three space from Round 1

Sc 3 times around the chain three space from Round 1

Sc 3 times around the chain three space from Round 1

Sc 3 times around the chain three space from Round 1

Sc 3 times around the chain three space from Round 1

Round 3: Sc in the space between the first and second dc of Round 2, sc in between each dc around, join to first of the 3 sc from Round 2 with a sl stitch, fasten off, CAREFULLY weave in ends. (13sc)

That’s it.  Your earring should look something like the images below when you have completed the pattern.  Again, let me know if you have any questions.

Collage - Turquoise Teal Hoops - 20mm

18 thoughts on “Free Pattern: Crochet Hoop Earrings

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