Snowy Days Winter Hat

snowy days

Snowy Days Winter hat pattern is COPYRIGHT to Rachael Hunt 2013. Please do not sell, alter or redistribute this patter as your own. Please feel free to sell your work made from this patter, but please do not use my photos to sell your item. 

o DK weight yarn (I used MadelineTosh’s Tosh DK in Spectrum)
o 5mm hook
o 4mm hook
o Tapestry needle

Abbrev. & Stitches used:
o Chain (ch)
o Space (sp)
o Stitch(es) (st(s))
o Slip stitch (sl st)
o Single crochet (sc)
o Back post single crochet (bpsc)
o Puff stitch (ps)

*** If you’re not familiar yet with a Puff Stitch, here is a great and easy to follow tutorial on how to do it:

***Quick Note: If you start to think that your hat will be too big, don’t worry, I thought that too, but that is where the 4mm hook comes in 

——->  Starting with the 5mm hook,

Ch 3, sl st to form a ring.

Rnd 1 – inside ring, *ps, ch1 * 7 times. Sl st to first ps to join. (7ps)
Rnd 2 – ch 2, ps, ch1 twice into each ch sp around. Sl st to first ps to join. (14 ps)
Rnd 3 – ch2, *ps, ch1 twice in first ch sp, ps, ch1 in next ch sp* repeat from * to * around. Sl st to first ps to join. (21 ps)
Rnd 4 – ch2, *ps, ch1 twice in first ch sp, ps, ch1 in next 2 ch sp* repeat from * to * around. Sl st to first ps to join. (28 ps)
Rnd 5 – ch2, *ps, ch1 twice in first ch sp, ps, ch1 in next 3 ch sp* repeat from * to * around. Sl st to first ps to join. (35 ps)
Rnd 6 – ch2, *ps, ch1 twice in first ch sp, ps, ch1 in next 4 ch sp* repeat from * to * around. Sl st to first ps to join. (42 ps)
Rnd 7-15 – ch2, ps, ch1 in each ch sp around. Sl st to first ps to join. (42 ps)

——–>     Switch to 4mm hook: this is where your brim will start

Rnd 16 – ch2, *sc in first ps, sc in ch sp* repeat from * to * around. Sl st to top of ch2 to join.

——–>    Switch back to 5mm hook:

Rnd 17 – ch2, bpsc in each st around. Sl st to top of ch2 to join.
Rnd 18-21 – repeat Rnd 17
Rnd 19 – loosely sl st in each st around. Sl st to first sl st to join.

Fasten off and weave in ends.

And that’s all there is to it! A great hat for the chilly months! Make one for yourself and then make more for others! This will be a great Christmas gift!

If you find any mistakes or have any issues, please feel free to leave a comment below 🙂

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