Easter Table Runner

Easter is just around the corner and I wanted a new Easter decoration this year. This table runner is what I think of when I hear the word ”Easter”: pastel colors and eggs, both candy eggs and real ones.

(Här finns mönstret på svenska.)

The square is my design and it’s the same one square with different colorwork throughout the pattern.

I always join the squares as I go but you can also join them by sewing if you prefer that.

Blocking is important to get even squares that are the same size. I joined the squares together four and four and blocked them. When the table runner was finished I blocked it once more to get an even edge.

Yarn type:
Cotton yarn that gives 100 m/50 g (=109 yds/1,8 oz) and a 3,5 mm hook (if you want the size specified in the pattern). The table runner is about 1 m long (1,1 yds) and 30 cm wide (0,3 yds) not including the fringe.
The yarn I used for my table runner is Drops Muskat.
You will need 200 g (7 oz) of the white yarn and 50 g (1,8 oz) of each of the other colors.

The egg square is not a perfect square: at the top and bottom there’s 12 st and at the sides there’s 14 st when you get to the last row.

Pattern for Easter Table Runner

Egg square
Pink or blue square with white egg with yellow egg yolk
ROW 1: With yellow yarn. 10 hdc in a magic ring. Sl st in the first hdc of the row and change to white yarn. (10 st)
ROW 2: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc). 1 hdc in the same st. 2 hdc in the next 2 hdc, 1 hdc in the next hdc, 2 hdc in the next hdc, 1 hdc in the next hdc, 2 hdc in the next 4 hdc, 1 sl st in the second ch of the row. (18 st)
ROW 3:
Ch 1 (counts as first sc). 2 sc in the next hdc, 1 sc in the next hdc, 2 sc in the next hdc, 1 sc in the next 2 hdc, 1 hdc in the next hdc, 2 hdc in the next 2 hdc, 1 hdc in the next hdc, 1 sc in the next 2 hdc. *2 sc in the next hdc, 1 sc in the next hdc*, repeat *-* in total 3 times. 1 sl st in the back loop of the first ch of the row and change to pink/blue yarn. (25 st)
ROW 4:
(Don´t crochet this row too tightly.) 1 sl st in the back loop of the next 24 st. 1 sl st in the back loop of the last sl st of the previous row. (25 st)
ROW 5:
(This row is crocheted in the back loops only). 1 sl st + ch 2 in the first sl st (counts as first hdc). (2 hdc + ch 2 + 2 hdc) in the next sl st. 1 hdc in the next 6 sl st. (2 dc + ch 2 + 2 dc) in the next sl st. 1 hdc in the next 5 sl st. (2 dc + ch 2 + 2 dc) in the next sl st. 1 hdc in the next 6 sl st. (2 hdc + ch 2 + 2 hdc) in the next sl st. 1 hdc in the next 3 sl st. 1 sl st in the second ch of the row, change to white yarn. (45 st = 29 hdc + 8 dc + ch 8)
ROW 6:
Ch 1 (counts as first sc). 1 sc in the next 2 st. (2 sc + ch 2 + 2 sc) in the next ch-space. 1 sc in the next 10 st. (2 sc + ch 2 + 2 sc) in the next ch-space. 1 sc in the next 4 st. 2 sc together. 1 sc in the next 3 st. (2 sc + ch 2 + 2 sc) in the next ch-space. 1 sc in the next 10 st. (2 sc + ch 2 + 2 sc) in the next ch-space. 1 sc in the next 5 st. 1 sl st in the first ch of the row and fasten off. (60 st = 52 sc + ch 8)

When you have crocheted row 2 it will look like picture 1. When you have crocheted row 4 it will look like picture 2. When you have crocheted row 5 it will look like picture 3. When the square is finished it will look like picture 4.

White square with colorful eggs
Make the square from the pattern above but change colors like this: Crochet row 1-3 with pink/blue/yellow yarn. Crochet row 4-6 with white yarn.

Join squares

Make 2 pink and 2 blue squares with white eggs. Join them together and get from left to right: one pink square, one blue square, one pink square, one blue square.

Make 2 white squares with blue eggs, one white square with pink egg and one white square with yellow egg. Join them together and get from left to right: a blue egg, a pink egg, a yellow egg, a blue egg.

Make in total 4 rows of blue/pink squares with white eggs. Make in total 3 rows of white squares with colorful eggs.

Make sure the squares are turned in the same direction when you join them. The last sl st of row 6 of the square should face downwards.

Squares by color:
Blue square with white egg: 8
Pink square with white egg: 8
White square with blue egg: 6
White square with pink egg: 3
White square with yellow egg: 3

Crochet the table runner
Start with one row of pink/blue squares. When making the first row you will crochet 12 st into the upper edge of each of the squares + 2 st (that is crocheted into each corner of the row of squares) = 50 st.
ROW 1: With white yarn. Ch 1 into the ch-space in the right corner of the blue square farthest to the right of the row (Ch 1 counts as first sc). 1 sc in the next 12 sc of the first square (Skip the ch-spaces). 1 sc in the next 12 sc of the second square (skip the ch-spaces). 1 sc in the next 12 sc of the third square (skip the ch-spaces). 1 sc in the next 12 sc of the fourth square. 1 sc in the last ch-space of the fourth square. Turn. (50 st)
ROW 2: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc), skip the first sc. 1 hdc in the next 48 sc. 1 hdc in the first ch of the previous row. Turn. (50 st)
ROW 3: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc), skip the first hdc, 1 hdc in the next hdc. *ch 1, skip the next hdc, 1 hdc in the next hdc*, repeat *-* in total 22 times. Ch 1, skip the next hdc, 1 hdc in the next 2 hdc, 1 hdc in the second ch of the previous row. Turn. (50 st)
ROW 4: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc), skip the first hdc. 1 hdc in the next 2 hdc. *1 hdc in the next ch-space, 1 hdc in the next hdc*, repeat *-* in total 22 times. 1 hdc in the next ch-space, 1 hdc in the next hdc, 1 hdc in the second ch of the previous row. Turn. (50 st)

In the picture the rows 1-4 have been crocheted into the row of squares.

ROW 5: Ch 1 (counts as first sc), skip the first hdc. 1 sc in the next 48 hdc. 1 sc in the second ch of the previous row. (50 st)

Join a row of white squares with colorful eggs to row 5.
Start with new (white) yarn in the ch-space in the right corner of the square farthest to the right of the new row of squares. Repeat rows 1-5 (see picture below).

Repeat the above pattern like this:
Join a row of pink/blue squares and repeat rows 1-5.
Join a row of white squares with colorful eggs and repeat rows 1-5.

Join a row of pink/blue squares and repeat rows 1-5
Join a row of white squares with colorful eggs and repeat rows 1-5.

Join a row of pink/blue squares and repeat rows 1-5.

(If you want a longer table runner you add more rows of squares and repeat rows 2-5.)

We´re now going to crochet row 1-5 into the bottom edge of the table runner, to make both ends look the same. Turn the table runner upside down and you should have the first row of 4 squares you made in front of you (see picture above).

ROW 1: Ch 1 (counts as first sc) into the right ch-space of the pink square (which is now upside down). 1 sc in the next 12 sc of the first square (Skip the ch-spaces). 1 sc in the next 12 sc of the second square (skip the ch-spaces). 1 sc in the next 12 sc of the third square (skip the ch-spaces). 1 sc in the next 12 sc of the fourth square. 1 sc in the last ch-space of the fourth square. Turn. (50 st)
Repeat rows 2-5 from ”Crochet the table runner”. Fasten off.

Three color fringe
The fringe is added to the last row of sc of either short side. There´s 10 fringes and they are attached to every fifth stitch.

Cut 5 yarn ends of about the same length. Fold them double.
1. Insert the hook into the stitch from below, as shown in the picture. (It´s easier if you use a large hook size.)
2. Yarn over with all the five yarn ends and pull them through the stitch.
3. Gather all the loose yarn ends and pull them through the loop of yarn.
4. Pull tightly.
5. Repeat the above along the edge. Cut the fringe to make it the same length. The fringe in the picture below is about 6 cm.

= single crochet
dc = double crochet
hdc = half double crochet
st = stitch
sl st = slip stitch
ch = chain
ch-space = chain space

The pattern is created by Erika Elfsberg. Do not sell or reprint this pattern on another site. You may sell finished items made from this pattern, but please clearly credit the design to Erika Elfsberg / provide a link to crochetfromaland.wordpress.com.

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