Blankets · Gifting

Celebrating Humans Through Crochet

It has been a busy spring for us with so many events and celebrations! If I haven’t mentioned it, my husband and I have been involved with college ministry throughout our entire marriage in various forms. Some students we know in passing, some we know decently, and some we know quite well. The latter are… Continue reading Celebrating Humans Through Crochet

Paid Patterns · Patterns · Scarves

Spring Is Coming Scarf Pattern (Paid Pattern)

Pink. That’s the color that started ideas swirling in my head. A friend of mine asked me to make a scarf for her grandaughter. There weren’t any specifications except that it needed to be pink. I started off thinking I’d put hearts on it, but it wasn’t working like I planned. I took the scarf… Continue reading Spring Is Coming Scarf Pattern (Paid Pattern)

Blankets · Paid Patterns · Patterns

Crocheting for a Cure: MS Warriors

A warrior is someone who is “engaged or experienced in warfare” ( According to The National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society, MS is “an unpredictable disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body.” In other words, those with MS have a battle happening… Continue reading Crocheting for a Cure: MS Warriors