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guineacorn pigasus free amigurumi crochet pattern | Hooked by Kati
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Guineacorn and Pigasus | Free Crochet Pattern

Thank you for sticking around and reading my patterns right here on the blog, without copy/pasting. When you stay here to follow patterns, I am compensated for my time and energy. This is a great, free way to support a designer. If you would like to save this for later, press CTRL + D to bookmark the page or click the heart/star on your mobile browser.

The guineacorn, the magical guinea pig of class myth, was inspired by my three Skinny Pigs (hairless guinea pigs), Podrick, Hamo, and Scooter. They beg for treats and wheek at people as they walk by, and they totally rule the house.

I cave in and give the piggies carrots more than I would like to admit. They get one on the evenings my husband I play Diablo III after my kids go to bed, because I’m such a sucker.

small crochet plushie free crochet pattern from Hooked by Kati
Hamo and his guineacorn friends.

Naturally, they have learned the opening music for the game and the chorus of “WHEEK! WHEEK! WHEEK!” starts before I can pick up a controller.

It was on one of these wheek-filled evenings combined with the unicorn pet in the game that inspired a magical guineacorn.

This pattern can also be purchased as a Premium Pattern for only $2.50 (printable, ad-free, downloadable .pdf file) here.  It can also be found on Etsy or Ravelry.

Guineacorn and Pigasus Pattern

Pattern written in US terms with Craft Yarn Council abbreviations.

Easy pattern.  Need to have knowledge of chains (ch)s, single crochet (sc), double crochet (dc), slip stitch (sl st), increases and decreases, and amigurumi part attachment


  • Red Heart Super Saver yarn, 100% acrylic, worsted weight, 364 yds/7 oz/198 g, White (WHT) < 1 ball, Light Pink (PNK) < 1 ball, Lemon (LMN) < 1 ball for unicorn only.
  • Furls Odyssey G (4.25 mm) hook
  • Two 15 mm solid black safety eyes
  • Poly-fil stuffing
  • Tapestry Needle
  • Stitch markers (optional)


7 inches long x 4 inches wide x 4 inches tall

Pattern Notes

  • reposition pieces if necessary.
  • No color changes are provided. Change colors as desired for patches or markings.

Pattern Stitches

  • Single Crochet 3 together – sc3tog – [Insert hook into next st, pull up a loop] 3 times, yo, pull through all 4 loops on hook.
  • Back Stitch:  Insert needle from back of piece, draw down through next hold, draw up through next hole, draw back down through previous hole.


Thank you for sticking around and reading my patterns right here on the blog, without copy/pasting. When you stay here to follow patterns, I am compensated for my time and energy. This is a great, free way to support a designer. If you would like to save this for later, press CTRL + D to bookmark the page or click the heart/star on your mobile browser.


With WHT, Ch 2.

Rnd 1: 6 sc in second ch from hook. (6)

Rnd 2: [sc, inc] 3 times. (9)       

Rnd 3: [2 sc, inc] 3 times. (12)

Rnd 4: [3 sc, inc] 3 times. (15)

Rnd 5: [4 sc, inc] 3 times. (18)

Rnd 6: [5 sc, inc] 3 times. (21)

Rnd 7: [6 sc, inc] 3 times. (24)

Rnd 8: [7 sc, inc] 3 times. (27)

Rnd 9: [8 sc, inc] 3 times. (30)

Rnd 10-12: Sc evenly around. (30)

Rnd 13: 9 sc, [inc, 2 sc] 4 times, 9 sc. (34)

Rnd 14: 9 sc, inc 3 times, 9 sc, inc 3 times, 10 sc. (40)

Rnd 15: 12 sc, inc 3 times, 9 sc, inc 3 times, 13 sc. (46)

Rnds 16-17: Sc evenly around. (46)

Rnd 18: 14 sc, sc3tog (see Pattern Stitches), 12 sc, sc3tog, 14 sc. (42) 

Rnd 19: sc, dec, 4 sc, dec, 4 sc, sc3tog, 2 sc, dec, 3 sc, dec, 2 sc, sc3tog, 4 sc, dec, 4 sc, dec. (32)

Rnd 20: Sc evenly around. (32)

Set on table with front leg stumps facing down. Attach safety eyes between rounds 8 and 9, about 8 stitches apart. Optional: Position off-center to make head appear tilted. 

Stuff head.

Rnd 21: [7 sc, inc] 4 times. (36)

Rnd 22: [8 sc, inc] 4 times. (40)

Rnds 23-28: Sc evenly around. (40)

Rnd 29: [9 sc, inc] 4 times. (44)

Rnds 30-32: Sc evenly around. (44)

Rnd 33: [10 sc, inc] 4 times. (48)

Stuff leg stumps and shoulders.

Rnds 34-35: Sc evenly around. (48)

Rnd 36: [4 sc, dec] 8 times. (40)

Rnd 37: [3 sc, dec] 8 times. (32)

Rnd 38: [2 sc, dec] 8 times. (24)

Finish stuffing body.

Rnd 39: [sc, dec] 8 times. (16)

Rnd 40: 8 dec. (8)

Cut yarn. Thread needle through back loops of remaining 8 stitches. Pull tight to close. Weave in ends.

Right Ear

With PNK, Ch 2.

Row 1: (WS) 6 sc in second ch from hook.  Turn. (6)

Row 2: (RS) Ch 3, dc in same st, dc inc, sc inc, [dc inc] 3 times. (10 dc, 2 sc)

Bind off leaving long tail for sewing. 

Left Ear

With PNK, Ch 2.

Row 1: (WS) 6 sc in second ch from hook. Turn. (6)

Row 2: (RS) Ch 3, dc in same st, [dc inc] twice, sc inc, [dc inc] twice. (10 dc, 2 sc)

Bind off leaving long tail for sewing.

Attach ears to head 4 rounds behind eyes and 4 stitches apart. Attach in straight line along the round, do not curve. Smaller end of ear should be on the inside, RS facing forward. Bend ends over slightly to add “flop.”

Front Feet

(Make 2)

With PNK, Ch 2.

Rnd 1: (RS) 5 sc in second ch from hook. (5)

Rnd 2: Inc in each st around. (10)

Rnd 3: [Ch 3, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next ch, sl st in next st, ch 3, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next ch, sl st in same st] twice. (4 toes)

Bind off leaving long tail for sewing.

Turn feet over so that RS facing down. Curls toes downward. Lay round part of foot on the stump of the front leg, toes pointed straight forward. Using tail and needle, sew around foot flat onto leg stump. Sew under toes so that they remain unattached to the leg stump.

Hind Feet

(Make 2)

With PNK, Ch 2.

Rnd 1: 6 sc in second ch from hook. (6)

Rnds 2-7: Sc evenly around. (6)

Do not stuff. Bind off, leaving long tail for sewing. Thread needle through back loops of all 6 sts and pull tight to close.

Set body on table, front feet facing down. Set back feet next to body, lined up with Round 35 (last round before decreases). They will be at a slight angle outward. Pin into place. Sew to body using tail. Leave last 2 rounds of foot unattached to body.

Right Wing

With WHT, ch 2.

Rnd 1: 6 sc in second ch from hook. (6)

Rnd 2: Inc in each st around. (12)

Rnd 3: [sc, inc] 6 times. (18)

Fold in half.  Working through both stitches, work 9 sts in a half circle.

Row 1: (RS) Ch 10, hdc in third ch from hook, 7 hdc down ch, sl st in next st, ch 8, hdc in third ch from hook, 5 hdc down ch, sl st in next st, [ch 7, hdc in third ch from hook, 4 hdc down ch, sl st in next st] twice, ch 5, hdc in third ch from hook, 2 hdc down ch, sl st in next st, ch 3, hdc in third ch from hook, sl st in next st, 3 sc.

Bind off leaving long tail for sewing.

Left Wing

With WHT, ch 2.

Rnd 1: 6 sc in second ch from hook. (6)

Rnd 2: [inc] 6 times. (12)

Rnd 3: [sc, inc] 6 times. (18)

Fold in half.  Working through both stitches, you now have 9 sts around a half circle.

Row 1: (RS) Ch 1, 3 sc, ch 3, hdc in third ch from hook, sl st in next st, ch 5, hdc in third ch from hook, 2 hdc down ch, sl st in next st, [ch 7, hdc in third ch from hook, 4 hdc down ch, sl st in next st] twice, ch 8, hdc in third ch from hook, 5 hdc down ch, sl st in next st, ch 10, hdc in third ch from hook, 7 hdc down ch, sl st in next st.

Bind off leaving long tail for sewing.

Attach wings to body at Round 19, four stitches apart. Sew all three sc stitches to the body, RS facing forward.

Here is a video tutorial for the wings:


With LMN, Ch 2.

Rnd 1: 4 sc in second ch from hook. (4)

Rnd 2: Sc evenly around. (4)

Rnd 3: [Sc, inc] twice. (6)

Rnd 4: Sc evenly around. (6)

Rnd 5: [2 sc, inc] twice. (8)

Rnd 6: Sc evenly around. (8)

Rnd 7: [3 sc, inc] twice. (10)

Rnds 8-9: Sc evenly around.

Bind off leaving long tail for sewing.

Using needle and a strand of PNK, stitch a spiral around the horn using the back stitch (see Pattern Stitches). 

Stuff lightly.

Sew horn to forehead in front of ears, centered between ears.


Using needle and PNK, start at center point. Sew a “V” upward, pointed toward eyes. Repeat so nose is two strands thick. Thread yarn backup through starting point and sew one line straight down about 2 stitch lengths. Bind off and weave in ends.

Weave in all attachment ends when parts are positioned as desired.

All finished? Share your artwork by posting a picture in the Gallery!!

Post comments and pictures on social media with the hashtag #hookedbykati, or tag me @hookedbykati. You can also post pictures on the Facebook Page, or in the Hooked by Kati Crochet Community Facebook Group.

You may sell products made by this pattern, but please link back to or credit Hooked by Kati on the craft fair tag. Do not copy this pattern for distribution or sale; that’s not nice and also illegal.

If you run into a snag, drop me a line! I respond quickly and will help any way I can to clarify any confusion or challenging stitches.

Find more free patterns like this at

small crochet plushie free crochet pattern from Hooked by Kati
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  1. Hi, I’ve just found your patterns. I wanted to ask if I could start the guinea pig pattern with a magic circle instead of the ch2 method? Can’t wait to create these patterns xxxxxxxxxx

  2. I just found your adorable pattern. I can’t wait to make them !!! I have a guinea pig who is my little buddy and love everything guinea pig that I can find. Thank you for sharing these.

    1. You’re welcome! Post pictures when you are done! I’d love to see your real piggies with your yarn piggies. 🙂

    1. omg these are the cutest patterns ever!! thank you for making them available. I can’t wait to make some magical little buddies for our little furry potatoes! 😉

  3. I too love the same three things though guineas may be first on the list. I volunteer at a local guinea rescue, Cavy Cornet, and have crocheted guineas in the past for fundraising at our events. Would you have any objection if I used this pattern too (am happy to give credit to you)?

    1. So excited to make these for my daughter who is a total piggie lover!!! Thank u so much for creating this adorable pattern from a mom who loves to see her daughter smile!!! ????????

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