Flamingo Security Blanket
Patterns, Security Blanket

Flamingo Security Blanket (free pattern)

I wanted to try something a little different with this one, so I used bobble stitch instead of the 9 or 12 point star.


What you need

  • Crochet hook: 3.5mm and 4.5mm
  • Stitch marker
  • 2x 7mm safety eyes
  • Stuffing
  • Tapestry needle
  • King Cole Pricewise – Fondant (DK), Cygnet yarn Cottony – Oakmeal (DK), King Cole Big Value – Black (DK)


This pattern is written in US crochet notations.

I’ve referred to the the bobble stitch as “bo”. It is worked as described in this tutorial by lookatwhatimade.net.

  1. Using 3.5mm, in black, 6 sc in magic circle (6)
  2. 2 sc x6 (12)
  3. Sc around (12)
  4. Sc around (12)
  5. Sc around (12)
  6. 2 sc x6, sc x6 (18)
  7. Sc x13, Sc dec x 2, sc (16)
  8. Sc x3, hdc x6, sc x7 (16)
  9. Sc x3, hdc x6, sc x4, Sc dec, sc (15)
  10. Sc all around (15)
  11. Change to grey, sc x3, hdc x6, sc x6 (15)
  12. Sc x3, hdc x6, sc x6 (15)
  13. Sc all around (15)
  14. Change to pink, sc all around (15)
  15. [2 sc, sc x2] x5 (20)
  16. [Sc x3, 2 sc] x2, sc x2, 2 hdc x2, [sc x3, 2 sc] x2 (24)
  17. Sc around (24)
  18. Sc around (24)
  19. Sc around (24)
  20. Sc around (24)
  21. [Sc dec, sc x2] x6 (18)
  22. [Sc dec, sc] x6 (12) Add safety eyes between rows 14-15 about 8 sts apart and stuff firmly
  23. Sc dec x6 (6)
  24. Sc dec to close
  1. In pink, 2 sc in magic circle (2)
  2. Turn (working on the wrong side), ch 3, dc, 2 dc (4)
  3. Turn (working on the right size), ch 3, dc x3, 2 dc (6)
  4. Turn (wrong side), ch 3, dc x5, 2 dc (8)
  5. Turn (right side), ch 3, sk 1 st, dc x4, dc dec (6)
  6. Turn (wrong side), ch 3, sk 1 st, dc x2, dc dec (4)
  7. Turn (right side), ch 3, sl st in middle of the the row, ch 3, sl st at the end of the row.
  8. To make the feathers, sl st to the middle of row 7. Ch 6, sl st to first ch.
  9. Working along the loop, sc, hdc, dc x5, hdc, sc, sl st to base of original ch loop.
  10. Continue making feathers by slip stitching to the starting points. The formation is 1 at the end, 2 feathers in the row above, 3 feathers in the row above, 2 feathers on the top row.
  11. Cast off and weave in ends.

Make 2.

  1. In pink, in magic circle [1 bo, 3ch] x6. Join to first bo.
  2. Work in the apex of each of the bo of the previous round. [1 bo, 3 ch, 1 bo, 3ch, 1 bo] x6. This makes a 3 bobble stitch group. Join to start of round.
  3. In the apex of the middle bo of the 3 bobble stitch group of the previous round. [1 bo, 3 ch, 1 bo, 3ch, 1 bo, 3 ch, 1 bo] x6. This makes a 4 bobble stitch group. Join to start of round.
  4. [1 bo in the stitch between the 4 bobble stitch groups, skip 1 bo, make a 3 bobble stitch group in the next 2 stitches, skip 1 bo] x6. Join to start of round.
  5. Make a 4 bobble stitch group in each of the middle bo of the 3 bobble stitch group of the previous round. Join to start of round.
  6. [1 bo in the stitch between the 4 bobble stitch groups, skip 1 bo, make a 3 bobble stitch group in the next 2 stitches, skip 1 bo]. Repeat around. Join to start of round.
  7. Make a 4 bobble stitch group in each of the middle bo of the 3 bobble stitch group of the previous round. Join to start of round.
  8. Change to grey, 2 bo in each of the middle two bo of the 4 bobble stitch group of the previous round. Join to start of round.
  9. Change to black, sc around.
  10. For the edging, [sc, ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook, sk 2 sts, sl st] repeat all the way around.
  11. Weave in ends

To assemble, refer to the picture, I recommend the following order

  • Sew the head to the centre of the blanket.
  • Sew the wings to the bottom of the head and the blanket.

You are finished!

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