18 inch doll scarf (vertical stripe)

Dolls get cold, too, right?

I made this pattern because I couldn’t find one I really liked (or one that wasn’t a broken link. ☹)

It is in US terminology and uses a foundation dc.

G6 (4.0 mm) hook

I used Walmart’s Mainstays Basic Yarn for the yellow and the taupe. The orange was some old stuff from my mom’s stash.

Terms used:


Dc=double crochet

Fdc=foundation double crochet

Sc=single crochet

Sl st=slip stitch Fo= finish off

Cc=change color

Row 1: Ch 112 (or 110 fdc. If using this, you will cc before finishing last fdc and ch 2)

Row 2: dc into the second ch from the hook, (if you used fdc, follow from here) dc 110 to the end, cc like in row 1. Ch 2.

Row 3: dc 110 down until the last one, cc, ch 2.

Row 4: dc 110 down until the last one, cc to border color, ch 1.

2sc on the corners
5 sc on the edge

Row 5: sc 109, 2sc in the 110th stitch, 5 sc, 2sc, 109 sc, 2sc, 5 sc, and sc in with the first sc to make it 2sc. (See photos above)

Row 6: fo with a sl st.

You can sell what you make, just credit the creator, please.

Author: idotoomuch

I am one of four kids, the youngest, and the only girl. Crafter, chef, mommy, cosmologist, and gamer. Also, I am an emotional mess and below average in looks. 😏

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