DIY: Striped Crocheted Earflap Hat with Free Pattern

Striped Crocheted Earflap Hat

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Striped Crocheted Earflap Hat

This crocheted earflap hat is really fast to whip up – I pulled it together in less than a day! I used half double crochet (hdc) stitches for the hat, as these stitches are halfway between a single and double crochet. This allows the crocheted earflap hat to be worked up quicker than if single crochets were used, while avoiding the airy fabric that would result from using double crochet stitches.

If you want to make this crocheted earflap hat even warmer, line the headband and earflaps with fleece or Thinsulate fleece.

Striped Crocheted Earflap Hat

Striped Crocheted Earflap Hat with Free Pattern


1 skein super bulky weight yarn (I used Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick) in dark grey

1 skein super bulky weight yarn (I used Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick) in light grey

9.0 mm  crochet hook


With the dark grey yarn, ch 3, join with sl st in 1st ch to form ring.

Row 1) Ch 2 (counts as 1st hdc here and for rest of pattern), 14 hdc in ring. Change to light grey yarn: Keep hook inplace. Wrap light grey yarn around the hook and pull it through the loop from the dark grey to form a new loop. Pull the tail of the dark color behind the circle, so that the light grey looks as though it is emerging from the dark grey. Now working with the light grey, join with a sl st to 1st hdc. (15 hdc)

Row 2) With light grey yarn, ch 2, hdc in each st around. Change to dark grey with sl st to top of ch 2.

Row 3) With dark grey yarn, ch 2, hdc in same st as joining, 2 hdc in each stitch around. Change to light grey with sl st to top of ch 2. (30 hdc)

Row 4) With light grey yarn, ch 2, hdc in next 2 sts, 2 hdc in next st, (hdc in next 3 sts, 2 hdc in next st) 6 times, hdc in last 2 sts. Change to dark grey with sl st to top of ch 2. (37 hdc)

Row 5) With dark grey yarn, c h 2, hdc in next 3 sts, 2 hdc in next st, (hdc in next 4 sts, 2 hdc in next st) 6 times, hdc in last 2 sts. Change to light grey with sl st to top of ch 2. (44 hdc) 

Row 6) With light grey yarn, ch 2, hdc in each st around. Change to dak grey with sl st to top of ch 2.

Rows 7-13) Repeat row 6, alternating light grey and dark grey yarns. Row 13 should be in dark grey yarn.  

Fasten off.


For Earflaps:

Row 1) 5 stitches from the round seam across the back, in dark grey yarn, ch 2, hdc in next 9 sts towards the front of the hat. 10 hdc

Row 2) Turn, sl st in 1st st, ch 2, hdc in next 8 sts across, leaving last st unworked. 9 hdc.

Row 3) Turn, sl st in 1st 2 sts, ch 2, hdc in next 6 sts across, leaving last st unworked. 7 hdc.

Row 4) Turn, sl st in 1st 2 sts, chc 2, hdc in next 4 sts across, leaving last st unworked. 5 hdc.

Row 5) Turn, sl st in 1st st, ch 2, hdc in next 3 sts across, leaving last st unworked. 4 hdc.

Fasten off.

Rejoin yarn in 10th st from previous earflap, with the round seam across the back, and repeat Rows 1-5. Fasten off.

With dark grey yarn, join at the round seam across the back and work sc evenly around, join with sl st to beginning sc. Fasten off.


For Earflap Braids:

Cut 6 strands of yarn each 100 cm long (I used a mix of the light grey and dark grey yarns). Fold strands in half, insert hook through tip of earflap, place fold on hook and draw through. Thread ends of strands into loop formed by fold and pull to tighten. Braid strands until the braid is 25 cm long. Knot and trim ends. Repeat for second tie on other earflap.

Using a yarn needle, weave in all ends.

Striped Crocheted Earflap Hat


ch – chain

hdc – half double crochet. Yarn over (YO) hook, insert hook in stitch. YO and pull back through stitch so you have three loops on your hook. YO and pull through all three loops. One hdc made.

sc – single crochet

sl st – slip stitch


Please be respectful and do not sell or distribute this pattern in any way, especially as your own. Instead, share the original blog post link! You can sell finished products made from this pattern by giving credit to Kiku Corner as the pattern designer and linking to the blog post.  Thank you for your consideration!

Meinhilde's Signature, Kiku Corner

21 Replies to “DIY: Striped Crocheted Earflap Hat with Free Pattern”

  1. What a cute little hat! Now that the cold is setting in here I need one! Thanks for sharing on My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday! Pinned!

  2. totally fab hat! Love the smiles too! Appreciate your sharing the pattern with us!

  3. Thank you for sharing this pattern, the hat is so cute. I’m a beginner at crocheting and your work is very inspiring. BTW, is this particular pattern and easy one?

    1. Yes, other than the colour changes, this pattern is quite easy!

  4. […] DIY: Striped Crocheted Earflap Hat with Free Pattern by Kiku Corner […]

  5. […] Without the hats the winters dress up seems to be incomplete and so does the level of comfort and coziness. So here is this cute earflap hat that even the grown-up girls can adorn the hats to look gorgeous and fun in the winters. the lovely black and white color contrast of the hat make it look so appealing and texture full.You can complement any of your dress up with this hat and here is the link you learn it step by step kikucorner […]

  6. yay – Thank you – I am a beginner and was able to make a great hat….

    1. That’s great! Will you add it to Ravelry? We’d love to see it!

  7. Do you have a pattern for this same hat for toddlers (for my 1 y/o son) and child (for my 3 y/o son)? Thanks

    1. Sorry, I only have this hat in one size. However, I have another free crochet earflap hat pattern that is sized for toddlers here:

  8. Victoria Karmelowicz says: Reply

    Hay did you happen to try and customize this pattern to fit your babies heads? I am going to try to today. (I hope that Kiku Corner does not mind) My 4 year old daughter has been obsessed with a green and yellow striped earflap hat…this pattern is perfect…btw I AM NOT A PACKERSSS FANNN!!!! ?
    thank you for sharing this

    1. I have not, sorry! Good luck with the resizing!

  9. Thank you! I just made one and finished it right now. Pinned your tutorial. Very easy and beautiful finish.

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you liked it!

  10. Ilene Greenfield says: Reply

    I made at least several this season for family gifts. People love this style. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for sharing, I’m glad people like the hats!

  11. What is 100 cm in inches..

    1. You can easily find a conversion calculator online. You divide 100 by 2.54, which is 39.37 inches.

  12. Love it! Thank you so much for this super easy pattern! I added a pom pom on top and it it just adorbs!!!!!!

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