Gracie’s new sweater


This is not so much a pattern as a guideline how to make a sweater to fit pretty much any dog. Gracie is about the size of a Corgi, she is 1/2 Corgi and 1/2 Pomeranian.

I used an N hook and worsted weight yarn, but any yarn and hook will work, I wanted something light for spring.

Start by making a granny square that is big enough to fit across the back and down to the top of legs.

Next without breaking yarn, sl st to corner and make a chain that is long enough to attach to the opposite corner and fit around neck without choking. Sl st to the corner and dc to rnds in each st and ch on that side.

Now work 1 or more rnds of dc and finish with a single rnd of sc, end of, this is the collar/neck of your sweater.

At this point I put it on and marked where I wanted the tummy strap to be, it can be as wide or narrow as you want, I used a sort of narrow one because I was going for the light fit.

Work on the side of the granny square until it fits under tummy and reaches the other side of the granny square. Sl st or sew to attach. end off

Now you have a sweater for your pet, finish it by hiding ends or add more decorations or ruffles if you want.

I hope this made sense and helps everyone to make their babies a sweater.

Mercy’s Dress


Size 12 – 18 months but with very little adjustment it could fit a larger child


3 colors worsted weight yarn

I hook

Special st: loopy shell (sc in same st, ch 3, dc in same st)

Shell (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same st)

Front & back: make 2

with CC 1, ch 17

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook and each remaining chain

Row 2 – 10: sc even. End off


Rnd 1: attach MC in first sc of back, ch2 (counts as a dc here and throughout), dc in same st, 2 dc in each st across, ch 12, 2 dc in each st across front, ch 12, sl st to top of ch 2.

Rnd 2 : ch 2, dc in each st and ch arnd, join with sl st in top of ch 2.

Rnd 3 – 12: ch 2, dc in each st arnd, join with a sl st in top of ch 2.

Rnd 13: ch 1, loopy shell in same st, *sk 2, loopy shell in next st, rep from * arnd, sl st in ch 1, end off.

Attach CC2 in 1st unused loop of rnd 12, behind loopy shell rnd.

Rnd 14: ch 1, sc in same space, sc in next st, ch 1, sk used st, *sc in 2 sts, ch 1, sk used st, rep from * arnd, sl st in ch 1.

Rnd 15: sl st into first ch 1 space, (ch 2, dc, ch 2, 2 dc, in same st), *shell in ch 1 loop, rep from * to end, sl st in top of ch 2.

Rnd 16 – 17: sl st into ch 2 sp of 1st shell, (ch 2, dc, ch 2, 2 dc, in same st), * shell in ch 2 loop of next shell, rep from * arnd. End off.

Ties and edging

attach CC 1 in beginning st of back, sc across, to corner, ch 40, sl st in each ch, *sc to next corner, ch 40, sl st in each ch, rep from * to beginning sc, sl st to beginning sc, end off

Maries Short Sweater

Girls Short Sweater


Size: 6 – 7


J hook

Worsted Weight Yarn, I used Red Heart Super Saver

Button (optional)

Stitches Used:

double crochet (dc), chain (ch), single crochet (sc), slip stitch (sl st), half double crochet (hdc)

Special Stitches:

V Stitch (dc, ch 1, dc)


Row 1: ch 51, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 3, turn. Ch 3 counts as 1st dc, now and throughout.

Row 2: dc in 7 sc, V st in next sc, dc in 8 sc, V st in next sc, dc in 16 sc, V stitch in next sc, dc in 8 sc, V st in next sc, dc in last 7 sc, ch 3, turn.

Row 3 – 9: dc in each dc across, V st in each V st, ch 3, turn.

Row 10: (armholes): dc in each dc to first V st, dc in V st, ch 7, dc in next V st, dc in each dc to next V st, dc in V st, ch 7, dc in next V st, dc in each dc to end, ch 3, turn.

Row 11: Dc in each dc and ch across, ch 3, turn.

Row 12: *sk next 2 sts, V st in next st, rep from * across, dc in last st, ch 3, turn.

Row 13: 3 dc in the ch 1 space of each V st across, dc in last st, ch 3, turn.

Row 14: v st in the center dc of each 3 dc cluster, dc in last st, ch 3, turn.

Repeat row 13 & 14 for desired length (I did two repeats). Ch 1, turn.

Edging: sc in 2 dc, *2 sc in ch 1 space, ch 3, sl st in first ch, sc in ch 1 space, sc in 2 dc, rep from * across, work 3 sc in last dc, sc evenly up front of sweater, work 3 sc in corner st, sc around neck, work 3 sc in corner, sc evenly down front of sweater, work 2 sc in corner, sl st to first sc, end off.


Row 1: attach yarn in 4th ch underarm, sc in each ch, 2 sc in side of dc, hdc in ch 1 sp of V st, dc in each dc, hdc in ch 1 sp of V st, 2 sc in side of dc, sc in each ch, sl to 1st sc, ch 1, turn.

Row 2: sc in each sc, hdc in each hdc, dc in each dc, sl st st to 1st sc, ch 1, turn.

Row 3: sc in each sc, hdc in each hdc, dc in each dc, sl st st to 1st sc, ch 3, turn.

Row 4 – 8: dc around,m join with sl st to top of ch 3, ch 3, turn. At end of row 8, ch1.

Row 9: sc around, sl st to 1st sc, end off

Add button at top if desired, I used the space between 2 dc for the button hole.

New Year, Same Old Me

I do not make New Years Resolutions, I think they are a sure way to feel bad about yourself because you failed to keep them. However I decided this year to set a goal to be nicer to myself. In keeping with that goal I am experimenting with homemade toiletries and care products, in the past I have made bath salts and foot soaks and salves and creams for others, but I never seem to do it for myself. That is about to change, I have been researching different home spa recipes and today I am going to try making homemade, chemical free deodorant. I will post how it works and what I think I should change or not in a few days.

The recipe I am using is my own concoction based on lots of reading and conclusions:

Homemade deodorant (oil free):

1/3 cup baking soda

1/3 cup cornstarch

as much lemon juice as necessary to reach a consistency that you are happy with, I would like mine to be more of a cream, but it would not hurt to make it thinner, more of a lotion. This has the advantage of also naturally bleaching the dark spots from your underarms.

Now off to play chemist.

Ninja Turtle Ski Mask


To make this hat I just changed colors for my basic kids hat for rows 13, 14 & 15. My grandson loves it and I am seeing all kinds of cute hats I could make with just a few changes in color, including super heros.

Toddler Ski Mask

turtle boys

Toddler Ski Mask

Size: child 2 – 4, can be made smaller or larger by changing hook size.
I hook
1 skein Red Heart Super Saver Yarn

*Note: all rnds are joined with sl st.
Rnd 1: ch 4, 11 dc in 4th ch from hook. (12 dc)
Rnd 2: ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each st arnd. (24 dc)
Rnd 3: ch 3, dc in same st, *dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, rep from * arnd. (36 dc)
Rnd 4: ch 3, dc in same st, *dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, rep from * arnd. (48 dc)
Rnd 5: ch 3, dc in same st, *dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next st, rep from * arnd. (60 dc)
Rnd 6 – 11: dc even.
Rnd 12 (eyes): ch 3, dc in next 20 sts, ch 6, sk 6 sts, tc in next 3 sts, ch 6, sk 6 sts, dc to end.
Rnd 13: ch 3, dc in each st and ch arnd.
Rnd 14 – 23: dc even. end off.

Basic Kids Ski Mask

Kids Ski Mask - size 5 - 8

My granddaughter modeling the ski mask I designed for her, she calls it a Fruit Ninja Mask.
Fruit Ninja Mask Pattern
Size: child 5 – 8, can be made smaller or larger by changing hook size.
I hook
1 skein Red Heart Super Saver Yarn

*Note: all rnds are joined with sl st.
Rnd 1: ch 4, 11 dc in 4th ch from hook. (12 dc)
Rnd 2: ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each st arnd. (24 dc)
Rnd 3: ch 3, dc in same st, *dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, rep from * arnd. (36 dc)
Rnd 4: ch 3, dc in same st, *dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, rep from * arnd. (48 dc)
Rnd 5: ch 3, dc in same st, *dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next st, rep from * arnd. (60 dc)
Rnd 6: ch 3, dc in same st, * dc in next 9 sts, 2 dc in next st, rep from * arnd. (66 dc)
Rnd 7 – 13: dc even.
Rnd 14 (eyes): ch 3, dc in next 23 sts, ch 8, sk 8 sts, tc in next 3 sts, ch 8, sk 8 sts, dc to end.
Rnd 15: ch 3, dc in each st and ch arnd.
Rnd 16 – 25: dc even. end off.