"Live Peace – Speak Kindness – Dwell in Possibility" ~Amanda Tapping

Dragon Scale Head Kerchief – Free Pattern

My first WordPress Exclusive Pattern!

This simple Crocodile Stitch Head Kerchief was something I promised myself that I would make for my daughter if I had yarn left from making her shrug. Well, I did and here it is. I thought I would share how I made this in pattern format and I though it could go hand-in-hand with my photo tutorial, Crocodile Stitch – Increases, if you are new to this technique.

This is actually easy to make, but it’s not really for brand new beginner crocheters, maybe advanced beginner, if you are familiar to working around the post of a stitch. For intermediate/advanced crocheters, this should be no problem at all to make.

Now also available in Knitsy Magazine Issue #25!


Adult One Size Fits Most – Measures 18″ from center of scale end to end of row 26 or about 42” including the ties


4.50mm hook
Patons Lace in Sachet or any 2/fine weight yarn

Stitches used are in US terminology

Terms used with abbreviations:

ch – chain
sc – single crochet
dc – double crochet
slst -slip stitch
st(s) – stitch(es)

Crocodile Stitch – Increases – Photo Tutorial, if needed


(Click Thumbs for full size)

Photo Nov 03, 12 29 34 PM

Photo Nov 03, 12 39 38 PM

Photo Nov 03, 12 30 49 PM

Photo Nov 03, 12 41 20 PM

Special Stitch:

Make Scale:
Working around designated double crochet stitches, make 5dc around the post of the first dc, ch1, make 5dc around the next dc. Scale made.

Note: This pattern has not been tested. Please let me know if there is anything that is unclear. Thanks 🙂



Row 1: ch3, dc in 3rd ch from hook.

Row 2: ch2, make scale around ch and dc.

Row 3: ch2, dc in same st, ch2, dc in center of scale, ch2, 2dc in end top corner dc on scale.

Row 4: ch2, make scale around 2dc just made, ch1, skip dc and ch2 spaces, make scale around next 2dc.

Row 5: ch2, dc in same st, ch2, dc in center of scale, ch2, 2dc in next dc and around ch1, ch2, dc in center of scale, ch2, 2dc in end top corner dc on scale.

Row 6: ch2, make scale around 2dc just made, ch1, skip dc and ch2 spaces, make scale around next 2dc, ch1, skip dc and ch2 spaces, make scale around next 2dc.

Row 7: ch2, dc in same st, ch2, dc in center of scale, ch2, 2dc in next dc and around ch1, ch2, dc in center of scale, ch2, 2dc in next dc and around ch1, ch2, dc in center of scale, 2dc in end top corner dc on scale

For all even rows, 8 through 26: ch2, make scale around 2dc just made, ch1, skip dc and ch2 spaces, [make scale around next 2dc, ch1, skip dc and ch2 spaces, make scale around next 2dc] repeat to end of row.

For all odd rows, 9 though 25: ch2, dc in same st, ch2, [dc in center of scale, ch2, 2dc in next dc and around ch1, ch2], dc in center of scale, 2dc in end top corner dc on scale.

26 rows = 13 scale rows. At the end of row 26, there should be 13 scales made.

If you need this a bit larger, just add another row or 2, continuing as established before beginning row 27.

Row 27: ch2, (wrong side facing) slst in the center of the first scale, ch1, sc in the same space. [ch2, sc in the center of the next scale], repeat to end, finish off.


Row 1: ch40 loosely. With right side facing of the kerchief, join with a sc in the 1st sc of row 27 of the kerchief, [3sc in the next ch2 space, sc in next sc], across to end. ch41 loosely.

Row 2: turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in all sts across to end of the beginning ch40.

Row 3: turn, slst in every sc to end. Finish off.

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Copyright Jennifer Christensen.


Please do not post elsewhere or claim as your own.
A link back to this WordPress page is welcome and encouraged.

For any questions or problems with any of my patterns, please email me at:


Creative Commons License
This work by Jennifer Christensen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


Sale of the written pattern is not allowed.

More photos behind the “cut”

The pattern for the shrug shown in the photos with the head kerchief can be purchased here: Daughter of Dragons Shrug

Aurora 3-3

Aurora 1-1

Aurora 2-2



close up

Model – Aurora Christensen

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