Friday, May 31, 2024

How to Crochet an Irish Rose - video tutorial

My newest video is live and this time I am showing how to crochet a version of the Irish rose. Follow along if interested!

Friday, May 17, 2024

My YouTube Channel

Hello crafty friends!

A couple of days ago I activated my youtube channel and there you can find the video tutorial for the Penelope scarf. It would mean a lot if you check it out, and subscribe if interested. 

Wishing you a lovely and crafts indulging weekend ahead!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Testing out a mixed acrylic yarn

 Ayda is a Turkish yarn brand that I have in my shop, and on my last visit to the factory, I chose to test their "Fabrika" yarn. It is a variegated acrylic mix, amazingly attractive and pleasing to the eye. Now, I am quite reluctant to work with acrylic yarn because, if I am being honest, it's not eco-friendly, it can be scratchy and less breathable than natural fibres. However, I opted for this brand because of the softness and of the yarn and its velvety feel. Plus, the colorwork was amazing in all the twisted hanks. 
I've been quite away from my blog, but as can be seen from the pictures, my time was spent prolifically. I used this brand for different projects - most of them  finished; there are shrugs, boleros, cardies and scarves. I cannot wait to show you guys what I've made so far! Stay tuned!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Granny Stripe Socks - pattern release

I cannot believe it's been a year since I've made these socks, but finally - the pattern is here.
Granny stripes are my favourite and I've always wanted to have socks like these. If I could, I would make them in all possible colorways. But I am lucky with just these two pairs. 
The socks in this tutorial are for size S (EU) and fit the shoe size of 36-38; however, I've included instructions to make them in bigger sizes.
For these socks, I used 5 colors in both cotton and acrylic. I must point out that the cotton ones are sturdier and more fitting than the ones made with acrylic yarn, but the acrylic ones are fluffier and warmer. 
Now, I just need some nice clogs for a complete vintage look.
The pattern is in my shops: etsy, ravelry   and lovecrafts.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Daisies & Roses Lariat - crochet pattern

 I don't know about your part of the world, but here we have had truly hot spells - one might say early summer, as we completely skipped the spring.  That means lots of greenery sprouting, flowers blooming and flourishing, which obviously  added lots of fuel to my inspiration, and that is how I set to work on this design. 

The daisies and roses lariat is a long and attractive piece. Aside worn as an accessory, it can be turned into a headband, garland or even curtain tie and a bookmark. 
The pattern is in my shops: etsy and ravelry.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Care Crochet Blankets

My local knit/crochet group started a drive for making blankets for an orphanage. 
We are making 35 blankets for babies and kids aged 3 months to 17 years of age.
The idea is the members to make a number of squares (either knitted or  crochet) that would later be joined into blankets, or if desired, anyone can participate with a whole made blanket. The members' response was quite overwhelming and I am sure the drive is going to be a success. 

I plan to make two blankets - one in purples and pinks (below), and one with my owlets. The above squares (and more coming) are going to be given away and joined with others to make a bolder and more joyful blanket. 
Talk to you soon.


Monday, February 5, 2024

National Embroidery Month

February is National Embroidery Month, and embroidery being the very first craft I tried my hand at when I was a child, I had to honor it with a special post. 
Although I dabble very little with embroidery nowadays, it is still one of the crafts I thoroughly and wholeheartedly enjoy. This summer I gave myself some free time from crochet and devoted completely making this kind of embroidered brooches. Mostly flowered ones, but also a batch of tiny landscapes, which are not finished yet. 

Happy Embroidery Month!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

My Current WIP - Granny Square Cardigan

While I was making my latest yarn order for the shop, I came upon a little batch of this fantastic, variegated cotton mix, that I fell in love with in an instant. It's been a while since I've felt drawn and attracted by variegated yarn  in a heartbeat, so of course I had to have it. 
So, cue my granny cardigan in the make! I have more than 30 squares made, and I still haven't figured out how I like the ribbing to be for it, but I know it will come up naturally, once I spread out all the squares. Can't wait to have it finished!

Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year - new projects!

Happy New Year!
May it be easy on us, merry and prosperous! 
Being a holiday, I decided to spend the day lounging, watching a show on Netflix and finally getting my hands on this gorgeous wool I've had for a while.  
I just had one skein of this gorgeous 100% wool by Kartopu, and there aren't many things one can do with a skein (it's just 30 m long), but I was never going to use it for making decor as it suggests on the label.
So I hand-knit a cowl, and I am in love! 
It still needs to be blocked to be fit for wear, but  there is no end to my happiness and content for starting the year with a finished project! 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Chunky Maple Leaf Scarf - free crochet pattern

What feels like eons ago, I had a "Last Minute Gifts" series here on the blog, and lately I've been thinking about it once and again. I loved the time spent brainstorming ideas of gifts that could literally be whipped out in no time, picking the projects and materials, and making everything come to life. Very fond memories indeed. 
That's why I am continuing the series with a first after so many years, and this time it is going to be a scarf. 
The Maple Leaf Scarf is a great project which you can do while watching your favourite show, because the pattern is fantastically easy and the chunky yarn makes it grow truly fast. 
Now, before we begin, please note that: The written  pattern in its entirety along with the photos are for personal use only. All property rights belong to Maya Kuzman of The Little Treasures.

Yarn and hook: 200 gr of bulky/chunky yarn of your choice, a 10mm (UK:3 /US P) and an 8 mm hook (UK: 1/0 /US:L-11).

Mind that you can use whatever yarn size/weight (and relevant hook for that weight) you have at hand; that will only influence the size of your scarf – hence smaller weights of yarn will yield thinner scarves. 
Other: Scissors and tapestry needle for weaving ends.
Stitches in US terminology: stitch (st.), skip (sk), chain (ch), chain space (ch-sp), single crochet (sc), double crochet (dc).  

Foundation and row 1: With a 10mm hook, ch17. Change to a 8 mm hook, and dc1 in 4th st from hook. Ch2, sk5, and in next st. dc1,ch1,dc1,ch3,dc1,ch1,dc1, ch2, then sk5 and dc1 in last 2 sts. Ch3 and turn work
(this ch3 counts as the 1st dc).
Row 2: Dc1 in 2nd st, ch2 and in the central ch-sp (the ch3 we made below) dc1,ch1,dc1,ch3,dc1,ch1,dc1, ch2, and dc1 in the last 2 sts. Ch3 and turn work. 
Rows 3- desired length: repeat row 2.
End row: Dc1 in 2nd st, ch5, sc1 in central ch-sp, ch5 and dc1 in the last 2 sts. Cut yarn and work tails. 
To finish it off, add fringes at the ends.
Hope you have fun, and I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Crochet Summit at You.Make

Happy creative Monday dear crafty people!
The crochet summit over at YOU.MAKE (former Rebecca Page) has started today.
It's never late to register. Each day the classes begin at 9am Eastern (New York). They will be live each day for 24 hours. Once they end, they will only be available for our VIP All Access Pass holders. 
Registration is FREE


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

My Customers Are Talented People #1

 Gordana's amazing granny square cardigan

I've been running my yarn shop / crochet studio for 6 months now, and boy! It has been an incredible and exciting experience! I've met tons of people, and connected with many artists, designers, various craftspeople. Several have become good friends. And I love that - I love the amazing exchange of creative energy, sharing ideas and sourcing inspiration.
My customers love sharing pictures of their work made with yarn they bought from the shop, and I on the other hand, re-share them on my shop's Facebook page. The benefit is mutual and rewarding. 

Today I am sharing some of them here. The above cardigan is made with cotton yarn - a mix of several cotton brands, and it is a true eye-candy! Gorde also shares my love for the grannies and she delightfully plunged into this tremendously time-consuming, but highly satisfying project. The result is mesmerizing! Granny squares will never get out of fashion!

Slavica is just starting to learn crochet (she works with quilling and decoupage), but her mother (who is in her 70s) rediscovered the joys of crochet and made these amazing shawls lately.
Anita has been a regular since the beginning and has made from home decor to garments, but I am sharing her latest pocket shawl. 

I hope you too get inspired by these beauties!

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Framed Flower Brooches - pattern release

My newest pattern features an imaginative way to make flower brooches using frames to which the flowers can be attached, or precisely - tied to the frame instead of sewing them onto it, which in turn- results in different flower arrangements with the same frame. 
The set of brooches can be made in whatever yarn weight you desire. Heavier weights will yield bigger brooches / flowers, and smaller weights will yield tinier brooches/flowers.

This tutorial contains patterns for 4 types of flowers and 2 frames. By combining them you can get a wide variety of beautiful and eye-catching brooches.  

What you'll need to make these:

*sport cotton yarn of your choice (I can recommend Phil Cotton 3 and Tango) and a 3.00 mm hook (UK11) (US 10/3).  Left over yarn is best for this project.

Also needed: tapestry needle for weaving ends, st-markers, sewing needle and thread, scissors, brooch pin.

Stitches: chain (ch), chain space (ch-space), skip (sk), slip stitch (sl st), single crochet (sc), half double crochet (hdc), double crochet (dc), treble (tr). American terminology used. 

The pattern is in my etsy, ravelry shops.