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Mod Trellis Pillow

Bring a mid-century modern feel to your living room or bedroom with this eye-catching, 18-inch square pillow pattern. Use a simple two-color, 22-stitch motif repeat to create an interlocking squares pattern. Both colors of yarn are carried throughout the work, making color changes easy with only two ends to weave in.

Skill Level: Easy

Size: 17.5” / [44.5 cm] square to fit an 18” / [46 cm] pillow form

Gauge: 21 sts and 16 rows = 4” [10 cm] in sc after steam blocking


Medium weight yarnYarn: Lily Sugar ‘n Cream (100% Cotton; 120 yards [109 meters]/71 grams): Teal (MC, 4 balls), Ecru (CC, 3 balls)

Hook: US size F/5 (3.75 mm)

Notions: 18” / [46 cm] square pillow form, tapestry needle

Special Stitches

Reverse single crochet (crab stitch): Insert hook into st, *yo, pull through st, yo, pull through both lps on the hook, insert hook into the next st to the right; rep from * around.

Pattern Notes

Chart may be read from left to right or right to left.

The chart repeats 4 times per row.

To change colors, yarn over with the new color to complete the last stitch in the old color.


Front/Back (make 2)

With CC, ch 89.
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook (skipped st does not count as a st here and throughout), sc in each ch, turn. (88 sts)
Rows 2-23: Ch 1, sc in each st across, beg working Mod Squares chart, changing from CC to MC to CC as directed, turn. (88 sts)

Rows 24-45: Rep Rows 2-23.

Rows 46-67: Rep Rows 2-23.

Do not fasten off.


Rnd 1: With CC, ch 1, turn, work sc evenly spaced around all edges of Pillow, working 3 sc in each corner, join with sl st in first sc.
Fasten off.


Weave in all ends.

Block to dimensions.

With RS of Pillow Front and Back facing out, work reverse single crochet through both layers evenly around 3 edges of Pillow.

Insert pillow form and work reverse single crochet evenly along the last side to close the opening.

Weave in all ends.


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