Rambler’s Mitts

I’ve got a quick free pattern for some basic fingerless gloves today, using just one skein of bulky weight yarn! Fingerless mitts are some of my favorite projects for spare yarn skeins, and a great beginner crochet project too.

UPDATE 2/2021: This pattern is now available as a purchaseable pattern PDF set – combined with the Basic Armwarmers pattern, it makes a complete guide to creating custom fingerless crochet gloves – check it out in my Etsy Shop , Ko-fi shop, or Ravelry Pattern Store! ❤



A recent spell of pretty weather has had me thinking of the Charles Dickens quote: “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” It’s not quite March yet, but I’m already looking forward to wandering in the woods to find the first treasures of spring!


These quick & easy mitts are just perfect for woodland ramblings. They feature an alternating front post / back post hdc at the wrist and trim – you can find a tutorial linked below! These are also great fun to customize with extras – I added little embroidered fawn spots to mine.


Rambler’s Mitts Free Pattern

Blank 800 x 2000

5.00 mm hook
1 skein Bamboospun (#5 weight 3 oz/112 yds) OR Bernat Velvet (#5 Bulky, 10.5 oz / 300 g, 315 yds, 100% polyester) – 1 skein
Tapestry needle & scissors

Techniques: Post Stitch Ribbing – this tutorial is for post stitches using double crochet, but the same theory can be applied for the half-double crochet post stitches which are used in this pattern.

Stitches: Ch, hdc, fphdc, bphdc, sc, sl st

To begin, Ch 24. Join with a sl st to form a ring, being careful not to twist.

Rnds 1: Ch 2 (does not count as first st), 1 hdc in the same st. 1 hdc in ea of the next 23 sts. Join with a sl st to the first hdc of the rnd. – 24 hdc.


Rnd 2: Ch 2, 1 fphdc in the same st. 1 bphdc in the next st. (1 fphdc, 1 bphdc) around. Join with a sl st to first hdc of the rnd. – 24 fp/bp hdc


Rnds 3-7: Rpt rnd 2.


Rnd 8: Ch 1 (does not count as first st), sc in same st. Sc in ea of the next 23 sts. Join with a sl st to first sc of the rnd. – 24 sc


Rnds 9 -15: Rpt Rnd 8


Rnd 16: Ch 1, 1 sc in the same st. 1 sc in ea of the next 9 sts. Ch 5, sk next 5 sts. 1 sc in ea of the next 9 sts. Join with a sl st to the first sc of the rnd. – 19 sc, 5 ch sts


Rnd 17: Ch 1, 1 sc in the same st. 1 sc in ea of the next 9 sts, 1 sc in ea of the next 5 ch sts, 1 sc in ea of the next 9 sts. Join with a sl st to first sc of the rnd. – 24 sc


Rnds 18: Ch 1, 1 sc in the same st. 1 sc in ea of the next 23 sts. Join with a sl st to the first sc of the rnd. – 24 sc


Rnd 19: Ch 2 (does not count) 1 hdc in same st. 1 hdc in ea of the next 23 sts. Join with a sl st to first hdc of the rnd. – 24 hdc

Rnds 20 – 21: Rpt Rnd 2



Rnd 1: Reattach yarn to one of the skipped stitches from Rnd 16. Ch 2 (does not count as first st). Hdc in the same st and in ea of the skipped stitche and in the bottom of the chain stitches. Join with a sl st in first hdc of the rnd – 10 hdc


Rnd 2: Ch 2 (does not count), hdc in the same st. Hdc in ea hdc around – join with a sl st. Cut yarn and tie off.


Weave in all ends and enjoy!


I recently took some updated photos to add to this post, and in those I’m also wearing the Spiral Sweater cardigan, which I also offer as a written pattern!



If fingerless mitts are REALLY your thing, you might like my Basic Armwarmers Tutorial – also a free pattern! 🙂



7 thoughts on “Rambler’s Mitts

  1. March in Oregon reminds me of the quote “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. In one eight hour period we had pouring rain, sleet, hail, snow, sunshine and misting rain. Those are all typical, but not usually cycling through that fast in one day! One night I suddenly realized my bedroom was all lit up, sure enough, it had snowed enough to reflect into my room. It was all gone by 10:00 the next day, much to the disappointment of the children. Enjoy your lovely fawn spotted mitts, they are so cute!


  2. Pingback: Henbit and Housekeeping | Morale Fiber

  3. Pingback: Mori Beret | Morale Fiber

  4. Pingback: Basic Armwarmers Tutorial | Morale Fiber

  5. Pingback: Rambler’s Mitts & Armwarmers Pattern | Morale Fiber

  6. Pingback: Rambler’s Mitts & Armwarmers Pattern – Morale Fiber

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