Sakura Earrings

I love cherry blossoms, they are so pretty and these earrings gave off a cherry blossom feel to me. Just like cherry blossoms the beauty of this pieces shines in its simplicity and delicate features. They wont over dazzle any outfit but add a gentle charm.

Though I only made 3 chains you could easily increase or decrease the amount, just remember that you do not want the earrings to be too heavy for whoever is wearing them.

Here is what you will need

Fine wire (tarnish resistant)  –  26, 28, 30 (the larger the gauge, the smaller the wire is, which makes it easier to work with your crochet hook) I used a gold 28 gauge.

Crochet hook – I used a 3/2 .10mm hook.

2 earrings hooks – which ever design you like.

Beads – 2 8mm beads (I probably wouldn’t go bigger then this but you can go smaller), 13 seed beads, and 1 end bead (I used the same type of seed bead).

Wire pliers– these are not needed but make your life a lot more easy while pushing the tails through the beads. (highly recommended if you want a similar top as mine)

Scissors – to cut the wire of course (it’s very fine so normal scissors will work).

this is made by making 3 separate chains and putting the tails together.

first chain had 2 seed bead and 1 big bead, second 4 seed beads and 1 big bead, third had 7 seed beads.

Step 1

put your beads on the wire (the big beads should be first). slip stitch, chain 2, then repeat (chain 1 with bead 1 without) until you hit your final bead.

Step 2

Fasten off, pull the wire back through the big bead and ether weave it into the project so you cant feel the sharp edge or put it back through the bead.


Repeat this for each chain you want to do.

Step 3

when you have your desire amount of chains then place them in the order you like take both edge end tails and put them through each chain going the opposite direction (they should form a x in the middle chain). Add your end bead to every tail, wrap it around your earring hook, wrap the tails around the bottom of the hook and so that they are on the left side facing upwards around your end bead. Take each tail and spread them out so that there is a space between them and place it into the beginning of the chains.

repeat for the other earring.

You should now have a lovely pair of earrings! Great job! Tell me what you think in the comments below.


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Cheers everyone!

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