A Lovely Meshy Shawl

I have now retired this pattern so have removed the pattern from the post. This post remains only to remind me how far I have come in the world of crochet and to keep the photographs of what I have made.

I recently was looking over blog posts and saw Quiet Water Crafts WIP post about a wonderful scarf she was making using Caron Cakes.

It really inspired me to whack out one of my remaining Caron Cakes and get crocheting. This is what I came up with.

Firstly, I have to say, I really love the colour combo. The rainbow sprinkles Caron Cakes I used on Harleys baby blanket back in April was lovely, but unfortunately as it is a mixture of colours there are quite a lot of muddy bits where the dye has bled together. This isn’t the case with this colourway. Its a lot crisper.

And there you have it! One lovely Caron Cakes shawl! Enjoy! And remember to send me a pic if you give it a go!

13 thoughts on “A Lovely Meshy Shawl

  1. Pingback: A Lovely Meshy Shawl | stitchinshishums

  2. Pingback: Yarn Review – Caron Cakes | Kick Arse Crochet

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